Higher-order mobile agents for controlling intelligent robots
Y Kambayashi, M Takimoto - International Journal of Intelligent …, 2005 - igi-global.com
This paper presents a framework for controlling intelligent robots connected by the Internet.
This framework provides novel methods to control coordinated systems using higher-order …
This framework provides novel methods to control coordinated systems using higher-order …
Distributed formation control for swarm robots using mobile agents
R Oikawa, M Takimoto… - 2015 IEEE 10th Jubilee …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper presents a decentralized control algorithm for composing a specific formation of
swarm robots. The swarm robots are expected to compose formations that represent …
swarm robots. The swarm robots are expected to compose formations that represent …
Saving energy consumption of multi-robots using higher-order mobile agents
M Takimoto, M Mizuno, M Kurio… - Agent and Multi-Agent …, 2007 - Springer
This paper presents a framework for controlling intelligent robots connected by
communication networks. This framework provides novel methods to control coordinated …
communication networks. This framework provides novel methods to control coordinated …
Formation control of swarm robots using mobile agents
Y Kambayashi, H Yajima, T Shyoji… - Vietnam Journal of …, 2019 - World Scientific
In this paper, we propose an algorithm for controlling a fleet of swarm robots that construct
three-dimensional forms. The swarm robots coordinate with each other through network …
three-dimensional forms. The swarm robots coordinate with each other through network …
[PDF][PDF] Integrating ant colony clustering method to a multi-robot system using mobile agents
Y Kambayashi, M Uga**, O Sato, Y Tsujimura… - Industrial Engineering & …, 2009 - Citeseer
This paper presents a framework for controlling mobile multiple robots connected by
communication networks. This framework provides novel methods to control coordinated …
communication networks. This framework provides novel methods to control coordinated …
Suppressing the total costs of executing tasks using mobile agents
T Nagata, M Takimoto… - 2009 42nd Hawaii …, 2009 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper presents a framework for controlling multiple robots connected by communication
networks. Instead of making multiple robots pursue several tasks simultaneously, the …
networks. Instead of making multiple robots pursue several tasks simultaneously, the …
Searching targets using mobile agents in a large scale multi-robot environment
T Abe, M Takimoto, Y Kambayashi - … 2011, Manchester, UK, June 29–July …, 2011 - Springer
This paper presents a framework for controlling multiple robots connected by communication
networks. Instead of making multiple robots pursue several tasks simultaneously, the …
networks. Instead of making multiple robots pursue several tasks simultaneously, the …
Ant colony clustering using mobile agents as ants and pheromone
M Mizutani, M Takimoto, Y Kambayashi - … , Hue City, Vietnam, March 24-26 …, 2010 - Springer
This paper presents a new approach for controlling mobile multiple robots connected by
communication networks. The control mechanism is based on a specific Ant Colony …
communication networks. The control mechanism is based on a specific Ant Colony …
Agents mobiles coopérants pour les environnements dynamiques
CCD Cros - 2005 - ut3-toulouseinp.hal.science
A partir de l'étude de la mobilité dans les paradigmes de programmation pour les systèmes
distribués et des différents architectures réseaux, et principalement celles sans-fils, nous …
distribués et des différents architectures réseaux, et principalement celles sans-fils, nous …
Cooperative transportation of a rod using mobile agents
K Ohashi, R Takahashi, M Takimoto… - … on Robotics and …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper presents an algorithm for cooperatively transporting an object with a long and
narrow shape by multiple robots without any initial knowledge. In our transportation system …
narrow shape by multiple robots without any initial knowledge. In our transportation system …