Temperate freshwater wetlands: types, status, and threats

MM Brinson, AI Malvárez - Environmental conservation, 2002 - cambridge.org
This review examines the status of temperate-zone freshwater wetlands and makes
projections of how changes over the 2025 time horizon might affect their biodiversity. The six …

Qualitative predictions in model ecosystems

JM Dambacher, HW Li, PA Rossignol - Ecological Modelling, 2003 - Elsevier
We compare qualitative predictions of press perturbation response from community matrix
models with those of a range of numerical simulations on the same models. A technique of …

Landscape as a focus for integrating human and environmental processes

R Matthews, P Selman - Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2006 - Wiley Online Library
The landscape has long been an important object of rural policy, particularly in terms of
protecting scenic areas. Increasingly, however, landscape is seen as a multifunctional and …

Reformulating the social–ecological system in a cultural rural mountain landscape in the Picos de Europa region (northern Spain)

AJ Rescia, A Pons, I Lomba, C Esteban… - Landscape and Urban …, 2008 - Elsevier
We analysed the changes that had taken place in the last 45 years in the spatial structure of
the landscape, in the demographic tendencies of the local population and in the …

Environmental quality and sustainability in the province of Reggio Emilia (Italy): using multi-criteria analysis to assess and compare municipal performance

A Ferrarini, A Bodini, M Becchi - Journal of environmental management, 2001 - Elsevier
Sustainability has become an increasingly significant issue, although practical
implementation remains difficult. In Italy, promoting sustainability is particularly problematic …

Self-feedbacks determine the sustainability of human interventions in eco-social complex systems: Impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem health

M Ortiz, R Levins - PloS one, 2017 - journals.plos.org
Several administrative polices have been implemented in order to reduce the negative
impacts of fishing on natural ecosystems. Four eco-social models with different levels of …

On the nature of virtuous change in cultural landscapes: Exploring sustainability through qualitative models

P Selman, M Knight - Landscape Research, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
Cultural landscapes are internationally valued resources, yet face endemic threats. Often the
'drivers for change'result in a loss of valued qualities, and are associated with 'vicious circles' …

Role of abiotic and biotic factors in structuring the metazoan plankton community in a lowland river

G Rossetti, P Viaroli, I Ferrari - River research and applications, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Water and quantitative zooplankton samples were collected at approximately monthly
intervals from June 2000 to June 2002 in the middle section of the Po River (Northern Italy) …

[HTML][HTML] Determinación del nivel de antropización de humedales como criterio para la planificación ecológica de la cuenca del lago Budi, IX Región de La Araucanía …

F Peña-Cortés, P Gutiérrez, G Rebolledo… - Revista de Geografía …, 2006 - SciELO Chile
Se determinó el nivel de antropización de los humedales de la cuenca del Budi, en función
del grado de alteración de cuencas y el grado de alteración de humedales. El primero …


DRVTT APAZA - 2024 - repositorio.unsa.edu.pe
El presente trabajo de investigación, propone implementar el sistema de costos basado en
actividades (ABC), en la empresa Confecciones Kiarella Secret SAC, con la finalidad de …