Axion quark nuggets. Dark matter and matter–antimatter asymmetry: Theory, observations and future experiments
We review a testable, the axion quark nugget (AQN) model outside of the standard WIMP
paradigm. The model was originally invented to explain the observed similarity between the …
paradigm. The model was originally invented to explain the observed similarity between the …
[HTML][HTML] Cold atoms in space: community workshop summary and proposed road-map
We summarise the discussions at a virtual Community Workshop on Cold Atoms in Space
concerning the status of cold atom technologies, the prospective scientific and societal …
concerning the status of cold atom technologies, the prospective scientific and societal …
[HTML][HTML] Atomic diffraction from single-photon transitions in gravity and Standard-Model extensions
Single-photon transitions are one of the key technologies for designing and operating very-
long-baseline atom interferometers tailored for terrestrial gravitational-wave and dark-matter …
long-baseline atom interferometers tailored for terrestrial gravitational-wave and dark-matter …
[HTML][HTML] Clock transitions versus Bragg diffraction in atom-interferometric dark-matter detection
Atom interferometers with long baselines are envisioned to complement the ongoing search
for dark matter. They rely on atomic manipulation based on internal (clock) transitions or …
for dark matter. They rely on atomic manipulation based on internal (clock) transitions or …
ANITA anomalous events and axion quark nuggets
The Antarctic Impulse Transient Antenna (ANITA) Collaboration has reported two
anomalous events with noninverted polarity. These events are hard to explain in terms of …
anomalous events with noninverted polarity. These events are hard to explain in terms of …
The Pierre Auger exotic events and axion quark nuggets
Abstract The Pierre Auger observatory have reported (Abreu et al 2021 PoS ICRC2021 p
395; Colalillo 2019 EPJ Web Conf. 197 03003; Colalillo 2017 PoS ICRC2017 p 314) …
395; Colalillo 2019 EPJ Web Conf. 197 03003; Colalillo 2017 PoS ICRC2017 p 314) …
[ספר][B] Athermal phonon sensors in searches for light dark matter
SL Watkins - 2022 - search.proquest.com
In recent years, theoretical and experimental interest in dark matter (DM) candidates have
shifted focus from primarily Weakly-Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) to an entire suite …
shifted focus from primarily Weakly-Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) to an entire suite …
Toward atom interferometer gyroscope built on an atom chip
H Yu, SJ Kim, JB Kim - Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 2023 - Springer
This is a review about the progress of an atom interferometer in a confined trap as a
gyroscope at Korea National University of Education. Our atom interferometer is based on …
gyroscope at Korea National University of Education. Our atom interferometer is based on …
A machine learning algorithm for direct detection of axion-like particle domain walls
Abstract The Global Network of Optical Magnetometers for Exotic physics searches
(GNOME) conducts an experimental search for certain forms of dark matter based on their …
(GNOME) conducts an experimental search for certain forms of dark matter based on their …
Signal-to-noise-ratio and maximum-signal-to-noise-ratio detection statistics in template-bank searches for exotic physics transients with networks of quantum sensors
Quantum sensor networks such as the existing networks of atomic clocks and
magnetometers offer intriguing capabilities in searches for transient signals such as dark …
magnetometers offer intriguing capabilities in searches for transient signals such as dark …