[HTML][HTML] Nutritional, antimicrobial and medicinal properties of Camel's milk: A review
Camel's milk is an important part of staple diet in several parts of the world, particularly in the
arid and semi-arid zones. Camel's milk is rich in health-beneficial substances, such as …
arid and semi-arid zones. Camel's milk is rich in health-beneficial substances, such as …
A comprehensive review on health benefits, nutritional composition and processed products of camel milk
Camel milk has been regarded as a potential nutritional and therapeutic food source across
various arid and semi-arid regions. Camel milk composition is comparable to cow milk with …
various arid and semi-arid regions. Camel milk composition is comparable to cow milk with …
Camel milk: A review of its nutritional value, heat stability, and potential food products
Camel milk is superior to bovine milk and quite close to human milk in terms of its nutritional
value. It contains high concentrations of many bioactive compounds that are essential for …
value. It contains high concentrations of many bioactive compounds that are essential for …
Compositional, technological and nutritional aspects of dromedary camel milk
HA Al Kanhal - International Dairy Journal, 2010 - Elsevier
A comprehensive review on Dromedary camel milk composition in comparison with bovine
milk, the factors effecting camel milk composition, and an overview of production, properties …
milk, the factors effecting camel milk composition, and an overview of production, properties …
Biomolecular content of camel milk: A traditional superfood towards future healthcare industry
Drinking non-bovine milk has been reported to possess bio-functionality for regular
consumers. Camel milk is a traditional product that has been used for many years in arid …
consumers. Camel milk is a traditional product that has been used for many years in arid …
[HTML][HTML] Recent advances on camel milk: Nutritional and health benefits and processing implications—A review
E Seifu - AIMS Agriculture and Food, 2022 - aimspress.com
Camels are important dairy animals and are better milk producers in arid and desert
environments than other livestock kept in the same environment. They not only survive but …
environments than other livestock kept in the same environment. They not only survive but …
[HTML][HTML] The unique medicinal properties of camel products: A review of the scientific evidence
AGMA Gader, AA Alhaider - Journal of taibah university medical sciences, 2016 - Elsevier
الملخص استُخدمت ألبان وأبوال الإبل كعلاجات في مناطق معينة من آسيا وأفريقيا منذ أزمنة قديمة٬
ولكن حديثا فقط أبدى العلماء اهتماما باستكشاف تلك المزاعم العلاجية لمنتجات الإبل. يشير عدد من …
ولكن حديثا فقط أبدى العلماء اهتماما باستكشاف تلك المزاعم العلاجية لمنتجات الإبل. يشير عدد من …
The elevated susceptibility to diabetes in India: an evolutionary perspective
India has rapidly become a “diabetes capital” of the world, despite maintaining high rates of
under-nutrition. Indians develop diabetes at younger age and at lower body weights than …
under-nutrition. Indians develop diabetes at younger age and at lower body weights than …
The need for obtaining accurate nationwide estimates of diabetes prevalence in India-rationale for a national study on diabetes
Abstract According to the World Diabetes Atlas, India is projected to have around 51 million
people with diabetes. However, these data are based on small sporadic studies done in …
people with diabetes. However, these data are based on small sporadic studies done in …
[HTML][HTML] The impact of date syrup on the physicochemical, microbiological, and sensory properties, and antioxidant activity of bio-fermented camel milk
Fermented camel milk is rich in nutrients and vitamins necessary for the health of humans
and has therapeutic properties. Date palm camel milk has been reported to be beneficial for …
and has therapeutic properties. Date palm camel milk has been reported to be beneficial for …