On the chemical markers of pyroxenite contributions in continental basalts in Eastern China: Implications for source lithology and the origin of basalts
ZF Yang, J Li, WF Liang, ZH Luo - Earth-Science Reviews, 2016 - Elsevier
Although it is widely recognized that mantle peridotite is compositionally heterogeneous,
primitive mantle-like peridotite is commonly considered the potential peridotite source when …
primitive mantle-like peridotite is commonly considered the potential peridotite source when …
A simple thermodynamic model for melting of peridotite in the system NCFMASOCr
ES Jennings, TJB Holland - Journal of Petrology, 2015 - academic.oup.com
A new thermodynamic model is presented for calculating phase relations in peridotite, from
0· 001 to 60 kbar and from 800° C to liquidus temperatures, in the system NCFMASOCr. This …
0· 001 to 60 kbar and from 800° C to liquidus temperatures, in the system NCFMASOCr. This …
The role of pyroxenite in basalt genesis: Melt‐PX, a melting parameterization for mantle pyroxenites between 0.9 and 5 GPa
S Lambart, MB Baker, EM Stolper - Journal of Geophysical …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Geochemical and isotopic data suggest that the source regions of oceanic basalts may
contain pyroxenite in addition to peridotite. In order to incorporate the wide range of …
contain pyroxenite in addition to peridotite. In order to incorporate the wide range of …
Experimental melting of phlogopite-bearing mantle at 1 GPa: Implications for potassic magmatism
We have experimentally investigated the fluid-absent melting of a phlogopite peridotite at
1.0 GPa (1000–1300° C) to understand the source of K 2 O-and SiO 2-rich magmas that …
1.0 GPa (1000–1300° C) to understand the source of K 2 O-and SiO 2-rich magmas that …
Experimental melting of phlogopite-peridotite in the garnet stability field
Melting experiments have been performed at 3 GPa, between 1150 and 1450° C, on a
phlogopite-peridotite source in the garnet stability field. We succeeded to extract and …
phlogopite-peridotite source in the garnet stability field. We succeeded to extract and …
A review and update of mantle thermobarometry for primitive arc magmas
CB Till - American Mineralogist, 2017 - degruyter.com
Erupted lavas and tephras remain among the best tools we have to ascertain the mantle
processes that give rise to the compositional diversity and spatial distribution of near-primary …
processes that give rise to the compositional diversity and spatial distribution of near-primary …
Deep, hot, ancient melting recorded by ultralow oxygen fugacity in peridotites
The oxygen fugacity (f O2) of convecting upper mantle recorded by ridge peridotites varies
by more than four orders of magnitude,–. Although much attention has been given to …
by more than four orders of magnitude,–. Although much attention has been given to …
The case for the angrite parent body as the archetypal first-generation planetesimal: Large, reduced and Mg-enriched
Angrites are silica-undersaturated achondrites formed very early in the history of the Solar
System, and the most volatile-depleted known meteorites. As such, the study of angrites can …
System, and the most volatile-depleted known meteorites. As such, the study of angrites can …
Thermobarometry of CO2-rich, silica-undersaturated melts constrains cratonic lithosphere thinning through time in areas of kimberlitic magmatism
Cratonic lithosphere is believed to have been chemically buoyant and mechanically
resistant to destruction over billions of years. Yet the absence of cratonic roots at some …
resistant to destruction over billions of years. Yet the absence of cratonic roots at some …
Using major element logratios to recognize compositional patterns of basalt: Implications for source lithological and compositional heterogeneities
ZF Yang, J Li, QB Jiang, F Xu, SY Guo… - … Research: Solid Earth, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Understanding the source lithology of basalts can greatly impact our understanding of
magmatic processes, which can help us gain insight into mantle heterogeneity and crustal …
magmatic processes, which can help us gain insight into mantle heterogeneity and crustal …