[PDF][PDF] Consumers' perceptions about probiotic food products and their effects on purchase intention: A case study of Eastern Mediterranean Region of Turkey

AD Çelik - New Medit, 2023 - researchgate.net
The aim of this study is examining consumers' preferences and behaviors about probiotic
foods (PFs) in Turkey, and analysing the relationships between some factors such as …

[PDF][PDF] Vaksin oral universal untuk jangkitan influenza

Y BOON, TS TAN, SS HASSAN - Jurnal Sains Kesihatan …, 2018 - journalarticle.ukm.my
Saban tahun, jangkitan virus influenza A telah mengakibatkan kadar kematian yang setinggi
300,000-500,000 di seluruh dunia. Biarpun terdapat agen dan vaksin anti-influenza yang …

[PDF][PDF] Phytochemical Composition and Nutritional Properties of Non-Dairy Probiotic Beverages

I CC, PT Olagbemide, OV Onwuegbunam - Parameters - academia.edu
Functional foods serve nutrients and physiologically active components for a healthy living.
Though dairy is the ideal food matrix for probiotics but because it might cause allergy in …

[PDF][PDF] Evaluasi Keselamatan Lactobacillus casei C1 pada Tikus Wistar

S ZAINALABIDIN, TANS MAY… - Jurnal Sains Kesihatan …, 2018 - researchgate.net
Pada masa kini, probiotik diambil sebagai makanan tambahan secara meluas untuk
kebaikan kesihatan. Namun begitu, masih kurang kajian keselamatan terhadap kebanyakan …

[CITARE][C] HPRB 5410W March 2, 2017

L Tomczak