Consequences of urban living: Urbanization and ground beetles
Abstract Purpose of Review Urbanization is increasing worldwide, transforming
environmental and habitat parameters, and causing adverse effects on organisms living in …
environmental and habitat parameters, and causing adverse effects on organisms living in …
[BOK][B] Ecology and conservation of the Dutch ground beetle fauna: lessons from 66 years of pitfall trap**
Over the past decades, large amounts of data about carabids have been collected in the
Netherlands, initially for the purpose of creating distribution maps for the country. In addition …
Netherlands, initially for the purpose of creating distribution maps for the country. In addition …
The carabid Pterostichus melanarius uses chemical cues for opportunistic predation and saprophagy but not for finding healthy prey
The sentinel prey method can quantify predation pressure in various habitats. Real prey is
assumed to more realistically mimic the predator experience but the predator can rarely be …
assumed to more realistically mimic the predator experience but the predator can rarely be …
Phenology, sex-ratio and protandry in three stag beetle species (Lucanidae) from central Italy
This study examines the annual activity patterns and variation in sex ratios across different
months of the year for three Lucanidae species (Lucanus cervus, Lucanus tetraodon and …
months of the year for three Lucanidae species (Lucanus cervus, Lucanus tetraodon and …
Red deer structure the ground-dwelling beetle community in boreal forest
Abstract Changes in large herbivore distribution and abundance can have effects that
potentially cascade throughout the trophic structure of an ecosystem. Little is known about …
potentially cascade throughout the trophic structure of an ecosystem. Little is known about …
Carabus population response to drought in lowland oak hornbeam forest
Forest management practices and droughts affect the assemblages of carabid species, and
these are the most important factors in terms of influencing short-and long-term population …
these are the most important factors in terms of influencing short-and long-term population …
[HTML][HTML] Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Carabids Influenced by Small-Scale Admixture of Oak Trees in Pine Stands
A Wehnert, S Wagner, F Huth - Diversity, 2020 - mdpi.com
In a region with poor soil fertility, low annual precipitation and large areas of homogenous
Pinus sylvestris L. forests, conservation of old sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) …
Pinus sylvestris L. forests, conservation of old sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) …
The use of percentile-percentile plots to compare differences in seasonal dynamics, illustrated by the case of ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) reacting to …
We suggest the use of a graphical method, involving a standardisation of the seasonal
activity curves and their subsequent comparison by a percentile-percentile graph as an easy …
activity curves and their subsequent comparison by a percentile-percentile graph as an easy …
[PDF][PDF] Distribuce epigeonu na ekotonu lesa a pole
BL Marčan - 2023 - theses.cz
In the intensely agriculturally used landscape of Haná, small forest units are among the
elements that significantly increase the heterogeneity of the otherwise monotonous …
elements that significantly increase the heterogeneity of the otherwise monotonous …
[PDF][PDF] íEt
BL Marčan - 2023 - theses.cz
In the intensely agriculturally used landscape of Haná, small forest units are among the
elements that significantly increase the heterogeneity of the otherwise monotonous …
elements that significantly increase the heterogeneity of the otherwise monotonous …