Mix design concepts for 3D printable concrete: A review
Over the past decade, 3D concrete printing has shown enormous application potential for
the industry. The new technology poses specific requirements on 3D printable concrete …
the industry. The new technology poses specific requirements on 3D printable concrete …
Use of industrial waste materials for 3D printing of sustainable concrete: A review
This paper provides a comprehensive review of the utilization of industrial wastes in 3D
concrete printing processes. Concrete 3D printing processes are introduced, highlighting the …
concrete printing processes. Concrete 3D printing processes are introduced, highlighting the …
Sustainable materials for 3D concrete printing
This paper explores the sustainability aspects of binders used in concrete 3D concrete
printing. Firstly, a prospective approach to conduct sustainability-assessment based on the …
printing. Firstly, a prospective approach to conduct sustainability-assessment based on the …
Inclusive characterization of 3D printed concrete (3DPC) in additive manufacturing: A detailed review
This review paper aims to provide an inclusive characterization of the use of concrete in
additive manufacturing by exploring the various parameters that affect the extrudability …
additive manufacturing by exploring the various parameters that affect the extrudability …
[HTML][HTML] Additive manufacturing: Technology, applications, markets, and opportunities for the built environment
Additive manufacturing (AM) technologies (also known as 3D printing-3DP) have been
rapidly advancing into various industrial sectors, including aerospace, automotive, medical …
rapidly advancing into various industrial sectors, including aerospace, automotive, medical …
A systematic review and analysis of the viability of 3D-printed construction in remote environments
Abstract 3D-printed construction is an additive, layer-by-layer construction method with the
potential to reduce material consumption, optimize design, decrease construction time …
potential to reduce material consumption, optimize design, decrease construction time …
[HTML][HTML] Development of 3D printable engineered cementitious composites with ultra-high tensile ductility for digital construction
The current 3D concrete printing (3DCP) technology is limited by the reinforcing methods.
Conventional steel reinforcement is hard to be incorporated in the 3DCP process. To …
Conventional steel reinforcement is hard to be incorporated in the 3DCP process. To …
[HTML][HTML] Review on solid wastes incorporated cementitious material using 3D concrete printing technology
The substitution of cement, natural sand, and synthetic fibers in concrete with solid wastes
substantially reduces CO 2 emissions. Incorporating solid wastes into 3D printed concrete …
substantially reduces CO 2 emissions. Incorporating solid wastes into 3D printed concrete …
[HTML][HTML] An approach to develop printable strain hardening cementitious composites
New additive manufacturing methods for cementitious materials hold a high potential to
increase automation in the construction industry. However, these methods require new …
increase automation in the construction industry. However, these methods require new …
3D recycled mortar printing: System development, process design, material properties and on-site printing
Abstract 3D concrete printing (3DCP) has received worldwide attention in recent years.
However, very limited studies have been carried out on the simultaneous research and …
However, very limited studies have been carried out on the simultaneous research and …