A primer on motion capture with deep learning: principles, pitfalls, and perspectives
Extracting behavioral measurements non-invasively from video is stymied by the fact that it is
a hard computational problem. Recent advances in deep learning have tremendously …
a hard computational problem. Recent advances in deep learning have tremendously …
Spike sorting: new trends and challenges of the era of high-density probes
Recording from a large neuronal population of neurons is a crucial challenge to unravel how
information is processed by the brain. In this review, we highlight the recent advances made …
information is processed by the brain. In this review, we highlight the recent advances made …
Rethinking academia in a time of climate crisis
Addressing the climate crisis requires radical and urgent action at all levels of society.
Universities are ideally positioned to lead such action but are largely failing to do so. At the …
Universities are ideally positioned to lead such action but are largely failing to do so. At the …
Maintenance of persistent activity in a frontal thalamocortical loop
Persistent neural activity maintains information that connects past and future events. Models
of persistent activity often invoke reverberations within local cortical circuits, but long-range …
of persistent activity often invoke reverberations within local cortical circuits, but long-range …
Open Ephys: an open-source, plugin-based platform for multichannel electrophysiology
Objective. Closed-loop experiments, in which causal interventions are conditioned on the
state of the system under investigation, have become increasingly common in neuroscience …
state of the system under investigation, have become increasingly common in neuroscience …
[HTML][HTML] Systematic integration of structural and functional data into multi-scale models of mouse primary visual cortex
Structural rules underlying functional properties of cortical circuits are poorly understood. To
explore these rules systematically, we integrated information from extensive literature …
explore these rules systematically, we integrated information from extensive literature …
A large-scale standardized physiological survey reveals functional organization of the mouse visual cortex
To understand how the brain processes sensory information to guide behavior, we must
know how stimulus representations are transformed throughout the visual cortex. Here we …
know how stimulus representations are transformed throughout the visual cortex. Here we …
SpikeInterface, a unified framework for spike sorting
Much development has been directed toward improving the performance and automation of
spike sorting. This continuous development, while essential, has contributed to an over …
spike sorting. This continuous development, while essential, has contributed to an over …
The Neurodata Without Borders ecosystem for neurophysiological data science
The neurophysiology of cells and tissues are monitored electrophysiologically and optically
in diverse experiments and species, ranging from flies to humans. Understanding the brain …
in diverse experiments and species, ranging from flies to humans. Understanding the brain …
NeuroMatic: an integrated open-source software toolkit for acquisition, analysis and simulation of electrophysiological data
Acquisition, analysis and simulation of electrophysiological properties of the nervous system
require multiple software packages. This makes it difficult to conserve experimental …
require multiple software packages. This makes it difficult to conserve experimental …