Artists in industry and the academy: Collaborative research, interdisciplinary scholarship and the creation and interpretation of hybrid forms

EA Shanken - Leonardo, 2005 -
The author surveys contemporary artist-engineer-scientist collaborations in industry and the
academy and considers a variety of theoretical and practical issues pertaining to them …

[หนังสือ][B] Visualizing life in the deep: A creative pipeline for data-driven animations to facilitate marine mammal research, outreach, and conservation

J Kendall-Bar, N Kendall-Bar, AG Forbes, G McDonald… - 2021 -
In this paper, we introduce a creative pipeline to incorporate physiological and behavioral
data from contemporary marine mammal research into data-driven animations, leveraging …

Species loss: Exploring opportunities with art–science

J Harrower, J Parker, M Merson - Integrative and comparative …, 2018 -
Human-induced global change has triggered the sixth major extinction event on earth with
profound consequences for humans and other species. A scientifically literate public is …

Team coordination, communication and knowledge sharing in SMEs and large organisations

B Steinheider, S Al-Hawamdeh - Journal of Information & …, 2004 - World Scientific
Knowledge has become more and more the prime resource for companies due to innovative
pressure and the increasing importance of knowledge work. To maximize the innovative …

Leadership communication and knowledge integration across the artistic, technical and administration area in theaters

B Barkela - The Journal of arTs ManageMenT, law, and socieTy, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
This study analyzes self–other agreement in leadership communication and its relation to
knowledge integration across the artistic, technical and administration areas in theaters …

An in-depth case study of art-technology collaboration

Y Zhang, L Candy - Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGCHI Conference on …, 2007 -
This paper presents an in-depth case study of the collaborative process of a creative art-
technology project. We begin by providing a brief description of art-technology collaboration …

Surveying the literature on technoscience art: from pioneer stories to collaborations between artists, scientists and engineers as the object of study

A Orrghen - Digital Creativity, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
The aim of this article is to describe, analyse and categorize the literature on technoscience
art in general and technoscience art collaborations in particular. I argue that the literature …

Online Learning and Teaching Resource Management System Based on Virtual Reality Technology

X Wei, D Guo, G Yang, Y Liu, Q Zhang - Technology in Education …, 2019 - Springer
The purpose of digital media art, relying on the Internet, is the creation based on the digital
technology. The works created by students majoring in digital media arts have strong …