Understanding the Colletion and Distribution of Zakat During Covid-19 Pandemic
S Muhari - AKSES: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis, 2023 - jurnal.unwahas.ac.id
This research is expected to be able to provide a good understanding of the behavior of
zakat collection from the public and how zakat institutions distribute the zakat. This study …
zakat collection from the public and how zakat institutions distribute the zakat. This study …
Analysis of management of zakat, infaq, alms (zis) funds in improving the economy of the dhuafa
MS Kahfi, I Imsar - Fair Value: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan …, 2022 - journal.ikopin.ac.id
Study this aim for analyze method LAZ WASHAL Charity North Sumatra in raising ZIS funds
and to analyze how method distribution ZIS by LAZ WASHAL in increase economy poor …
and to analyze how method distribution ZIS by LAZ WASHAL in increase economy poor …
The Comparison of Exponential Regression and Exponential Smoothing Holt Winter 2 Variable in Zakat Modelling
A KHAIRUL AMRI - … Smoothing Holt Winter 2 Variable in …, 2022 - repository.uin-suska.ac.id
Zakat is an important worship for Muslims, where some of the wealth of the rich will be
distributed to the poor according to certain rules. Zakat can be used as a source of income …
distributed to the poor according to certain rules. Zakat can be used as a source of income …
The Comparison of Exponential Regression and Exponential Smoothing Holt Winter 2 Variable in Zakat Modelling
Zakat is an important worship for Muslims, where some of the wealth of the rich will be
distributed to the poor according to certain rules. Zakat can be used as a source of income …
distributed to the poor according to certain rules. Zakat can be used as a source of income …