Vanilla PP for philosophers: A primer on predictive processing

W Wiese, T Metzinger - 2017 -
The goal of this short chapter, aimed at philosophers, is to provide an overview and brief
explanation of some central concepts involved in predictive processing (PP). Even those …

Commentary: the problem of mental action: predictive control without sensory sheets

G Pezzulo - Frontiers in Psychology, 2018 -
Action-oriented and pragmatic views of cognition, which propose that the action system is
part and parcel of various cognitive functions (eg, perception, memory and decision …

Folk psychology and the Bayesian brain

J Dewhurst - 2017 -
Whilst much has been said about the implications of predictive processing for our scientific
understanding of cognition, there has been comparatively little discussion of how this new …

Mechanistic unity of the predictive mind

P Gładziejewski - Theory & Psychology, 2019 -
It has recently been argued that cognitive scientists should embrace explanatory pluralism
rather than pursue the search for a unificatory framework or theory. This stance dovetails …

Prediction error minimization as a framework for social cognition research

L de Bruin, J Michael - Erkenntnis, 2021 - Springer
The main aim of this article is to give an assessment of prediction error minimization (PEM)
as a unifying theoretical framework for the study of social cognition. We show how this …

[HTML][HTML] Redefining action: facts and beliefs in the social world

F Santamaría-Velasco, S Ruiz-Martínez - Cinta de moebio, 2022 - SciELO Chile
This article presents a definition of action that links empirical facts with normative reasons to
form an explanation of rational agency with predictive capabilities. This idea is developed …

Interpreting the signals within: Meaning and prediction during interoception

R Smith, SS Khalsa - The Routledge Handbook of Semiosis and …, 2022 -
In this chapter, we discuss the potential contributions of a neurosemiotic perspective on
interoception–the process by which the nervous system senses, interprets, and integrates …

Towards a theory of political action: cognition, modality and pragmatism to understand political agents

S Ruiz Martínez - 2019 -
To elaborate the tools with which a theory of political action could be construed, the first task
is to start from what stays the same throughout most of our practices (both within a person …