Ethnic diversity and social trust: Evidence from the micro-context

PT Dinesen, KM Sønderskov - American Sociological …, 2015 -
We argue that residential exposure to ethnic diversity reduces social trust. Previous within-
country analyses of the relationship between contextual ethnic diversity and trust have been …

Educated preferences: Explaining attitudes toward immigration in Europe

J Hainmueller, MJ Hiscox - International organization, 2007 -
Recent studies of individual attitudes toward immigration emphasize concerns about labor-
market competition as a potent source of anti-immigrant sentiment, in particular among less …

Cross-cultural measurement equivalence of generalized trust. Evidence from the European Social Survey (2002 and 2004)

T Reeskens, M Hooghe - Social indicators research, 2008 - Springer
Generalized trust features as the most prominent attitudinal element of social capital, and as
such the concept is widely used in comparative research. In this article we investigate the …

Unequal political participation in Europe

A Gallego - International Journal of Sociology, 2007 - Taylor & Francis
The fact that social stratification factors are closely related to different levels of political
participation is a classical issue that has relevant normative as well as explanatory …

Satisficing among reluctant respondents in a cross-national context

O Kaminska, AL McCutcheon, J Billiet - Public Opinion Quarterly, 2010 -
Higher response rates are commonly assumed to be associated with higher survey quality.
Nevertheless, increasing response rates without attention to response quality may result in …

Family and the welfare state in Europe: Intergenerational relations in ageing societies

A Blome, W Keck, J Alber - Family and the Welfare State in Europe, 2009 -
The demographic transition and what it means for the future development of
intergenerational relationships has increasingly become a subject of public debate. Many …

[KNYGA][B] Generationenbeziehungen im Wohlfahrtsstaat

A Blome, W Keck, J Alber - 2008 - Springer
Die Alterung der Bevölkerung gehört zu den größten Herausforderungen Deutschlands in
den nächsten Jahrzehnten. Viele der vorhergesagten Szenarien wie die unzureichende …

Inequality in political participation: Contemporary patterns in European countries

A Gallego - 2007 -
The fact that social stratification factors are closely related to different levels of political
participation is a classical issue that has relevant normative as well as explanatory …

Validation of the 2012 European Social Survey measurement of wellbeing in seventeen European countries

A Charalampi, C Michalopoulou… - Applied Research in …, 2020 - Springer
The measurement of wellbeing provides an important indicator of the welfare of nations and
presents opportunities for policy making. Researchers generally share the view of wellbeing …

New perspectives on occupational health and safety in immigrant populations: studying the intersection between immigrant background and gender

S Mousaid, D De Moortel, D Malmusi… - Ethnicity & …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
Objectives. Few studies investigating health inequalities pay attention to the intersection
between several social determinants of health. The purpose of this article is to examine the …