Anxiety and cognitive performance: attentional control theory.

MW Eysenck, N Derakshan, R Santos, MG Calvo - Emotion, 2007 -
Attentional control theory is an approach to anxiety and cognition representing a major
development of Eysenck and Calvo's (1992) processing efficiency theory. It is assumed that …

[КНИГА][B] Психология совладающего поведения в разные периоды жизни

ТЛ Крюкова - 2010 -
Монография посвящена результатам разработки научных основ нового и активно
развивающегося в российской психологии направления–психологии копинга, или …

Are memory self-efficacy and memory performance related? A meta-analysis.

M Beaudoin, O Desrichard - Psychological bulletin, 2011 -
The association between memory self-efficacy (MSE) and memory performance is highly
documented in the literature. However, previous studies have produced inconsistent results …

Anxiety and depression in academic performance: An exploration of the mediating factors of worry and working memory

M Owens, J Stevenson, JA Hadwin… - School psychology …, 2012 -
Anxiety and depression are linked to lower academic performance. It is proposed that
academic performance is reduced in young people with high levels of anxiety or depression …

The effect of high-anxiety situations on conspiracy thinking

M Grzesiak-Feldman - Current Psychology, 2013 - Springer
The aim of the present studies was to examine a possible relationship between anxiety and
conspiracy thinking about ethnic and national groups. Two hundred university student …

Personal and situational predictors of test anxiety of students in post‐compulsory education

DW Putwain, KA Woods… - British Journal of …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
Background Recent models of evaluation anxiety emphasize the importance of personal
knowledge and self‐regulatory processes in the development of test anxiety, but do not …

Test anxiety in UK schoolchildren: Prevalence and demographic patterns

DW Putwain - British Journal of Educational Psychology, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Background. Despite a large body of international literature concerning the antecedents,
correlates of and treatments for test anxiety, there has been little research until recently …

Do friendships afford academic benefits? A meta-analytic study

KR Wentzel, S Jablansky, NR Scalise - Educational Psychology Review, 2018 - Springer
Using meta-analytic techniques, we examined systematically the evidence linking friendship
to academically related outcomes, asking: To what extent is friendship related to academic …

Deconstructing test anxiety

DW Putwain - Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
Recent changes to educational policy which have focused attention on the use of high
stakes testing as performance and accountability measures have renewed interest in test …