Neuromechanical principles underlying movement modularity and their implications for rehabilitation
Neuromechanical principles define the properties and problems that shape neural solutions
for movement. Although the theoretical and experimental evidence is debated, we present …
for movement. Although the theoretical and experimental evidence is debated, we present …
Approaches to revealing the neural basis of muscle synergies: a review and a critique
The central nervous system (CNS) may produce coordinated motor outputs via the
combination of motor modules representable as muscle synergies. Identification of muscle …
combination of motor modules representable as muscle synergies. Identification of muscle …
Plasticity of muscle synergies through fractionation and merging during development and training of human runners
Complex motor commands for human locomotion are generated through the combination of
motor modules representable as muscle synergies. Recent data have argued that muscle …
motor modules representable as muscle synergies. Recent data have argued that muscle …
Tutorial. Surface electromyogram (sEMG) amplitude estimation: Best practices
This tutorial intends to provide insight, instructions and “best practices” for those who are
novices—including clinicians, engineers and non-engineers—in extracting electromyogram …
novices—including clinicians, engineers and non-engineers—in extracting electromyogram …
An experimental comparison of the relative benefits of work and torque assistance in ankle exoskeletons
Techniques proposed for assisting locomotion with exoskeletons have often included a
combination of active work input and passive torque support, but the physiological effects of …
combination of active work input and passive torque support, but the physiological effects of …
Lower-limb joint torque prediction using LSTM neural networks and transfer learning
Estimation of joint torque during movement provides important information in several
settings, such as effect of athletes' training or of a medical intervention, or analysis of the …
settings, such as effect of athletes' training or of a medical intervention, or analysis of the …
A systematic review of EMG applications for the characterization of forearm and hand muscle activity during activities of daily living: Results, challenges, and open …
The role of the hand is crucial for the performance of activities of daily living, thereby
ensuring a full and autonomous life. Its motion is controlled by a complex musculoskeletal …
ensuring a full and autonomous life. Its motion is controlled by a complex musculoskeletal …
Differences in adaptation rates after virtual surgeries provide direct evidence for modularity
Whether the nervous system relies on modularity to simplify acquisition and control of
complex motor skills remains controversial. To date, evidence for modularity has been …
complex motor skills remains controversial. To date, evidence for modularity has been …
Muscle synergies for evaluating upper limb in clinical applications: A systematic review
Introduction Muscle synergies have been proposed as a strategy employed by the central
nervous system to control movements. Muscle synergy analysis is a well-established …
nervous system to control movements. Muscle synergy analysis is a well-established …
Evaluation of the effects of the Arm Light Exoskeleton on movement execution and muscle activities: a pilot study on healthy subjects
Background Exoskeletons for lower and upper extremities have been introduced in
neurorehabilitation because they can guide the patient's limb following its anatomy, covering …
neurorehabilitation because they can guide the patient's limb following its anatomy, covering …