A systematic literature review of teamwork pedagogy in higher education

L Riebe, A Girardi, C Whitsed - Small Group Research, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
Teamwork pedagogy has received considerable attention across a wide range of academic
literature. Yet employers continue to argue that universities need to do more to better …

Encouraging Productive Behavior in Student Teams with Interventions

JM Zalewski, S Brudvig - Teaching Sociology, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
Teamwork pedagogies are used for teaching and learning in sociology, addressing general
education goals, and develo** students' professional skills. Nevertheless, problems arise …

[PDF][PDF] Project-based Peer Teaching on Socially Responsible Business.

LE Kwak, M Price - Journal of the Academy of Business Education, 2012 - southernct.edu
This study assessed students' perception of their learning outcomes towards socially
responsibility after participation in a project-based peer teaching method. A pre-and post …

Respondent disengagement from a peer assessment instrument measuring Collaboration Viability

B Heslop, E Stojanovski, S Iveson, J Paul… - Australasian Journal of …, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Undergraduate group projects are intended to improve the ability of students to collaborate,
a skill considered critical by many employers. If such groups become unviable, for instance …

Exploring the relationship between mode of operation and performance of support teams in telecommunication companies

O Saafein - … Journal of Customer Relationship Marketing and …, 2014 - igi-global.com
Whereas previous studies have attempted to investigate the correlation between mode of
operation (virtual versus face-to-face) and team performance, these studies have been …

Mines in the end zone: Are there downsides to team performance?

TV Mumford, MT Maynard - The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 2020 - cambridge.org
Research on teams in organizations tends to focus on understanding the causes of team
performance with a focus on how to enjoy the benefits of team success and avoid the …

Understanding factors affecting the teaching of teamwork in Australian higher education business schools

LM Riebe - 2022 - researchportal.murdoch.edu.au
Integrating teamwork into higher education (HE) curricula has been part of the employability
skills agenda for decades. Whilst HE academics have published widely on a variety of …

Using group work to improve generic skills of management accounting students in preparation for their accounting careers

M Naidoo - Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal (APMAJ), 2014 - ir.uitm.edu.my
This study examines the views of undergraduate management accounting students on their
generic skills that were improved and those that require improvement before and after a …

[PDF][PDF] XV Asamblea General

AL de Facultades - 2016 - repositorios.fca.unam.mx
Se examina el concepto del impacto de la investigación del profesor y la problemática que
presenta la medición del mismo. Se plantea como un tema relevante para la sustentabilidad …

[PDF][PDF] Η Επίδραση της Γνωστικής Ανάπτυξης στη Συνεργατική Επίλυση Προβλήματος με τη χρήση του γρίφου Sudoku σε Μαθητές Στ΄ Δημοτικού

M Eleftheriou, N Christodoulou - Preschool and Primary Education, 2018 - learntechlib.org
Η παρούσα έρευνα μελετά τη σχέση που έχει η γνωστική ανάπτυξη στην επίλυση
προβλημάτων σε δυάδες ή ατομικά, σε μαθητές έκτης δημοτικού με τη χρήση του …