[HTML][HTML] FUCCI real-time cell-cycle imaging as a guide for designing improved cancer therapy: a review of innovative strategies to target quiescent chemo-resistant …
S Yano, H Tazawa, S Kagawa, T Fujiwara, RM Hoffman - Cancers, 2020 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary Chemotherapy of solid tumors has made very slow progress over many
decades. A major problem has been that solid tumors very often contain non-dividing cells …
decades. A major problem has been that solid tumors very often contain non-dividing cells …
Accurate delineation of cell cycle phase transitions in living cells with PIP-FUCCI
Cell cycle phase transitions are tightly orchestrated to ensure efficient cell cycle progression
and genome stability. Interrogating these transitions is important for understanding both …
and genome stability. Interrogating these transitions is important for understanding both …
Retinal microglia signaling affects Müller cell behavior in the zebrafish following laser injury induction
FM Conedera, AMQ Pousa, N Mercader, M Tschopp… - Glia, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Microglia are the resident tissue macrophages of the central nervous system including the
retina. Under pathophysiological conditions, microglia can signal to Müller cells, the major …
retina. Under pathophysiological conditions, microglia can signal to Müller cells, the major …
Cell cycle stage classification using phase imaging with computational specificity
Traditional methods for cell cycle stage classification rely heavily on fluorescence
microscopy to monitor nuclear dynamics. These methods inevitably face the typical …
microscopy to monitor nuclear dynamics. These methods inevitably face the typical …
Discrimination of cell cycle phases in PCNA-immunolabeled cells
F Schönenberger, A Deutzmann, E Ferrando-May… - BMC …, 2015 - Springer
Background Protein function in eukaryotic cells is often controlled in a cell cycle-dependent
manner. Therefore, the correct assignment of cellular phenotypes to cell cycle phases is a …
manner. Therefore, the correct assignment of cellular phenotypes to cell cycle phases is a …
Efficient globally optimal segmentation of cells in fluorescence microscopy images using level sets and convex energy functionals
JP Bergeest, K Rohr - Medical image analysis, 2012 - Elsevier
In high-throughput applications, accurate and efficient segmentation of cells in fluorescence
microscopy images is of central importance for the quantification of protein expression and …
microscopy images is of central importance for the quantification of protein expression and …
Quantitative live imaging of endogenous DNA replication in mammalian cells
Historically, the analysis of DNA replication in mammalian tissue culture cells has been
limited to static time points, and the use of nucleoside analogues to pulse-label replicating …
limited to static time points, and the use of nucleoside analogues to pulse-label replicating …
Segmentation of cell nuclei in fluorescence microscopy images: An integrated framework using level set segmentation and touching-cell splitting
Accurate segmentation of cells in fluorescence microscopy images plays a key role in high-
throughput applications such as quantification of protein expression and the study of cell …
throughput applications such as quantification of protein expression and the study of cell …
[HTML][HTML] Phosphatidylinositol transfer protein/planar cell polarity axis regulates neocortical morphogenesis by supporting interkinetic nuclear migration
The neocortex expands explosively during embryonic development. The earliest
populations of neural stem cells (NSCs) form a thin pseudostratified epithelium whose …
populations of neural stem cells (NSCs) form a thin pseudostratified epithelium whose …
The dynamical organization of the core pluripotency transcription factors responds to differentiation cues in early S-phase
DNA replication in stem cells is a major challenge for pluripotency preservation and cell fate
decisions. This process involves massive changes in the chromatin architecture and the …
decisions. This process involves massive changes in the chromatin architecture and the …