Semi-classical generalized Langevin equation for equilibrium and nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulation

JT Lü, BZ Hu, P Hedegård, M Brandbyge - Progress in Surface Science, 2019 - Elsevier
Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation based on Langevin equation has been widely used in
the study of structural, thermal properties of matter in different phases. Normally, the atomic …

Current-induced switching in transport through anisotropic magnetic molecules

N Bode, L Arrachea, GS Lozano, TS Nunner… - Physical Review B …, 2012 - APS
Anisotropic single-molecule magnets may be thought of as molecular switches, with
possible applications to molecular spintronics. In this paper, we consider current-induced …

Resonators coupled to voltage-biased Josephson junctions: From linear response to strongly driven nonlinear oscillations

S Meister, M Mecklenburg, V Gramich, JT Stockburger… - Physical Review B, 2015 - APS
Motivated by recent experiments in which a voltage-biased Josephson junction is placed in
series with a resonator, the classical dynamics of the circuit is studied in various domains of …

Memristive properties of single-molecule magnets

C Timm, M Di Ventra - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials …, 2012 - APS
Single-molecule magnets weakly coupled to two ferromagnetic leads act as memory devices
in electronic circuits—their response depends on history, not just on the instantaneous …

Spin transport and tunable Gilbert dam** in a single-molecule magnet junction

M Filipović, C Holmqvist, F Haupt, W Belzig - Physical Review B—Condensed …, 2013 - APS
We study time-dependent electronic and spin transport through an electronic level
connected to two leads and coupled with a single-molecule magnet via exchange …

Electrical current and coupled electron-nuclear spin dynamics in double quantum dots

G Giavaras, N Lambert, F Nori - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and …, 2013 - APS
We examine electronic transport in a spin-blockaded double quantum dot. We show that by
tuning the strength of the spin-orbit interaction the current flowing through the double dot …

Electron transport in nanoscale junctions with local anharmonic modes

L Simine, D Segal - The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2014 -
We study electron transport in nanojunctions in which an electron on a quantum dot or a
molecule is interacting with an N-state local impurity, a harmonic (“Holstein”) mode, or a two …

Temperature-dependent dynamical nuclear polarization bistabilities in double quantum dots in the spin-blockade regime

AM Lunde, C López-Monís, IA Vasiliadou… - Physical Review B …, 2013 - APS
The interplay of dynamical nuclear polarization (DNP) and leakage current through a double
quantum dot in the spin-blockade regime is analyzed. A finite DNP is built up due to a …

Semiclassical spin-spin dynamics and feedback control in transport through a quantum dot

K Mosshammer, T Brandes - Physical Review B, 2014 - APS
We present a theory of magnetotransport through an electronic orbital, where the electron
spin interacts with a (sufficiently) large external spin via an exchange interaction. Using a …

Transport through single-level systems: Spin dynamics in the nonadiabatic regime

A Metelmann, T Brandes - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and …, 2012 - APS
We investigate the Fano-Anderson model coupled to a large ensemble of spins under the
influence of an external magnetic field. The interaction between the two spin systems is …