Fukushima's forgotten radionuclides: a review of the understudied radioactive emissions
G Steinhauser - Environmental science & technology, 2014 - ACS Publications
In environmental monitoring campaigns for anthropogenic radionuclides released in the
course of the Fukushima nuclear accident (2011), most focus had been on gamma-emitting …
course of the Fukushima nuclear accident (2011), most focus had been on gamma-emitting …
The influence of radiopharmaceutical isotope production on the global radioxenon background
PRJ Saey - Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 2009 - Elsevier
Radioxenon isotopes play a major role in confirming whether or not an underground
explosion was nuclear in nature. It is then of key importance to understand the sources of …
explosion was nuclear in nature. It is then of key importance to understand the sources of …
[HTML][HTML] IUPAC periodic table of the elements and isotopes (IPTEI) for the education community (IUPAC Technical Report)
NE Holden, TB Coplen, JK Böhlke… - Pure and Applied …, 2018 - degruyter.com
Abstract The IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) Periodic Table of
the Elements and Isotopes (IPTEI) was created to familiarize students, teachers, and non …
the Elements and Isotopes (IPTEI) was created to familiarize students, teachers, and non …
Discrimination of nuclear explosions against civilian sources based on atmospheric xenon isotopic activity ratios
MB Kalinowski, A Axelsson, M Bean… - Pure and applied …, 2010 - Springer
A global monitoring system for atmospheric xenon radioactivity is being established as part
of the International Monitoring System that will verify compliance with the Comprehensive …
of the International Monitoring System that will verify compliance with the Comprehensive …
A review of global radioxenon background research and issues
TW Bowyer - Pure and Applied Geophysics, 2021 - Springer
Among the most important problems for the world-wide nuclear explosion monitoring is the
interference of naturally occurring and man-made radionuclides. The International …
interference of naturally occurring and man-made radionuclides. The International …
Characterization of Xe‐133 global atmospheric background: Implications for the international monitoring system of the comprehensive nuclear‐test‐ban treaty
Monitoring atmospheric concentrations of radioxenons is relevant to provide evidence of
atmospheric or underground nuclear weapon tests. However, when the design of the …
atmospheric or underground nuclear weapon tests. However, when the design of the …
Source Term Analysis of Xenon (STAX): An effort focused on differentiating man-made isotope production from nuclear explosions via stack monitoring
An overview of the hardware and software developed for the Source Term Analysis of Xenon
(STAX) project is presented which includes the data collection from two stack monitoring …
(STAX) project is presented which includes the data collection from two stack monitoring …
[HTML][HTML] International challenge to model the long-range transport of radioxenon released from medical isotope production to six Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban …
C Maurer, J Baré, J Kusmierczyk-Michulec… - Journal of environmental …, 2018 - Elsevier
After performing a first multi-model exercise in 2015 a comprehensive and technically more
demanding atmospheric transport modelling challenge was organized in 2016. Release …
demanding atmospheric transport modelling challenge was organized in 2016. Release …
Innovative concept for a major breakthrough in atmospheric radioactive xenon detection for nuclear explosion monitoring
The verification regime of the comprehensive test ban treaty (CTBT) is based on a network of
three different waveform technologies together with global monitoring of aerosols and noble …
three different waveform technologies together with global monitoring of aerosols and noble …
Improved performance comparisons of radioxenon systems for low level releases in nuclear explosion monitoring
Abstract The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty bans all nuclear tests and mandates
development of verification measures to detect treaty violations. One verification measure is …
development of verification measures to detect treaty violations. One verification measure is …