[HTML][HTML] Creep behavior of rocks and its application to the long-term stability of deep rock tunnels
W Frenelus, H Peng, J Zhang - Applied Sciences, 2022 - mdpi.com
Since underground structures such as tunnels are inevitably surrounded by rocks, their long-
term safety and stability are primarily governed by the comportment of these materials. Being …
term safety and stability are primarily governed by the comportment of these materials. Being …
Study on very long-term creep tests and nonlinear creep-damage constitutive model of salt rock
To better understand the creep mechanical behavior of salt rock under very long-term tests
and more accurately predict the long-term deformation of the salt caverns, a series of long …
and more accurately predict the long-term deformation of the salt caverns, a series of long …
New description of the mechanical creep response of rocks by fractional derivative theory
TC Kamdem, KG Richard, T Béda - Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2023 - Elsevier
Accurate estimation and modeling of rock behavior during creep is an essential step to
ensure reliability safety in the engineering of underground structures. In this work we …
ensure reliability safety in the engineering of underground structures. In this work we …
A creep-fatigue model of rock salt and its application to the deformation analysis of CAES salt caverns
K Zhao, C Yang, H Ma, JJK Daemen - Computers and Geotechnics, 2023 - Elsevier
The rock surrounding salt caverns used in a compressed air energy storage (CAES) system
experiences the combined creep and fatigue load during an operation period, which …
experiences the combined creep and fatigue load during an operation period, which …
Mechanical characteristics and permeability evolution of salt rock under thermal-hydro-mechanical (THM) coupling condition
The mechanical characteristics and gas tightness of salt rock play a decisive role in the
safety evaluation of salt caverns. Triaxial compression coupled permeability tests were …
safety evaluation of salt caverns. Triaxial compression coupled permeability tests were …
Characterization of shear behavior and damage mechanism of periodic thermal loading sandstone based on NMR technique
J Bi, C Du, Y Zhao, C Wang, S Lian, X **ong - Engineering Geology, 2023 - Elsevier
We conducted research on the influence of periodic thermal loading on the shear behavior
of sandstone through a series of direct shear tests with the aid of acoustic emission …
of sandstone through a series of direct shear tests with the aid of acoustic emission …
A study of uniaxial acoustic emission creep of salt rock based on improved fractional-order derivative
Aiming at the disadvantage that the traditional creep model cannot describe the nonlinear
creep acceleration stage (third-order creep stage) of rock. This paper explains the creep …
creep acceleration stage (third-order creep stage) of rock. This paper explains the creep …
A triaxial creep model for salt rocks based on variable-order fractional derivative
W Fei, L Jie, Z Quanle, L Cunbao, C Jie… - Mechanics of Time …, 2021 - Springer
This paper intend to describe the entire creep process of a salt rock under triaxial loading,
especially the creep characteristics in the accelerated creep stage, by replacing the …
especially the creep characteristics in the accelerated creep stage, by replacing the …
Creep behavior of carbonaceous mudstone under triaxial hydraulic coupling condition and constitutive modelling
M Yu, B Liu, K Liu, J Sun, T Deng, Q Wang - International Journal of Rock …, 2023 - Elsevier
Understanding the hydraulic coupling creep mechanical behavior of carbonaceous
mudstones and their macro and micro fracture mechanisms is important for rock engineering …
mudstones and their macro and micro fracture mechanisms is important for rock engineering …
Deformation and failure mechanism of surrounding rock in deep soft rock tunnels considering rock rheology and different strength criteria
W **g, J Zhou, L Yuan, R **, L **g - Rock Mechanics and Rock …, 2024 - Springer
The long-term stability control of surrounding rock of deep high-stress soft rock tunnel has
always been the research hotspot and difficulty of underground engineering. With the …
always been the research hotspot and difficulty of underground engineering. With the …