Stranger than metals

PW Phillips, NE Hussey, P Abbamonte - Science, 2022 -
In traditional metals, the temperature (T) dependence of electrical resistivity vanishes at low
or high T, albeit for different reasons. Here, we review a class of materials, known as …

The challenge of unconventional superconductivity

MR Norman - Science, 2011 -
During the past few decades, several new classes of superconductors have been
discovered that do not appear to be related to traditional superconductors. The source of the …

[BOK][B] Holographic quantum matter

SA Hartnoll, A Lucas, S Sachdev - 2018 -
A comprehensive overview of holographic methods in quantum matter, written by pioneers
in the field. This book, written by pioneers in the field, offers a comprehensive overview of …

Planckian dissipation, minimal viscosity and the transport in cuprate strange metals

J Zaanen - SciPost Physics, 2019 -
Could it be that the matter from the electrons in high Tc superconductors is of a radically new
kind that may be called" many body entangled compressible quantum matter"? Much of this …

Holographic metals and the fractionalized Fermi liquid

S Sachdev - Physical review letters, 2010 - APS
We show that there is a close correspondence between the physical properties of
holographic metals near charged black holes in anti–de Sitter (AdS) space, and the …

Holographic Q-lattices

A Donos, JP Gauntlett - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014 - Springer
A bstract We introduce a new framework for constructing black hole solutions that are
holographically dual to strongly coupled field theories with explicitly broken translation …

Hidden Fermi surfaces in compressible states of gauge-gravity duality

L Huijse, S Sachdev, B Swingle - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and …, 2012 - APS
General scaling arguments, and the behavior of the thermal entropy density, are shown to
lead to an infrared metric holographically representing a compressible state with hidden …

Holography without translational symmetry

D Vegh - arxiv preprint arxiv:1301.0537, 2013 -
We propose massive gravity as a holographic framework for describing a class of strongly
interacting quantum field theories with broken translational symmetry. Bulk gravitons are …

Topological Mott insulator at quarter filling in the interacting Haldane model

P Mai, BE Feldman, PW Phillips - Physical Review Research, 2023 - APS
While the recent advances in topology have led to a classification scheme for electronic
bands described by the standard theory of metals, a similar scheme has not emerged for …

Holographic duality and the resistivity of strange metals

RA Davison, K Schalm, J Zaanen - Physical Review B, 2014 - APS
We present a strange metal, described by a holographic duality, which reproduces the
famous linear resistivity of the normal state of the copper oxides, in addition to the linear …