An implicit stress update algorithm for the plastic nonlocal damage model of concrete

C Su, D Lu, X Zhou, G Wang, X Zhuang, X Du - Computer Methods in …, 2023 - Elsevier
The numerical implementation of advanced plastic damage models has been challenging
due to the diverse computational difficulties caused by material nonlinearity. In this study …

Influences of cyclic air temperature and solar radiation on the long-term deterioration behaviour of double-block ballastless track

K Zhang, T Huang, J Yang, F Zhang, J Lei… - Construction and Building …, 2024 - Elsevier
Double-block ballastless tracks are affected by environmental loading during their service
life. The damage evolution of track slab concrete under cyclic air temperature fluctuations …

[HTML][HTML] A rule of mixtures approach for delamination damage analysis in composite materials

A Taherzadeh-Fard, A Cornejo, S Jiménez… - Composites Science and …, 2023 - Elsevier
The present study aims at investigating the delamination behavior of laminated composites
in different loading modes within a homogenization theory of mixtures. The delamination …

A return map** algorithm based on the hyper dual step derivative approximation for elastoplastic models

X Zhou, A Shi, D Lu, Y Chen, X Zhuang, X Lu… - Computer Methods in …, 2023 - Elsevier
Accurately evaluating derivatives poses a key challenge when numerically implementing
complex constitutive models. This work presents an implicit stress update algorithm that …

Maximum energy dissipation-based incremental approach for structural analyses involving discrete fracture propagation in quasi-brittle materials

SM Chianeh, D Dias-da-Costa - Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics …, 2024 - Elsevier
A maximum energy dissipation-based incremental approach (MEDIA) is proposed to
overcome limit points, eg strong snap-backs, in the fracture analysis of quasi-brittle …

[PDF][PDF] Effect of short basalt fibers on energy-dissipating properties of lightweight rubberized concrete shear wall

A Zaitseva, E Matiushinb, V Shvetsovab… - Sustainable …, 2024 -
To enhance the dynamic performance of shear walls, fine-grained rubberized basalt fiber
concrete has been proposed as an alternative to conventional concrete. This is a promising …

An orthotropic damage model for masonry walls with consistent damage evolution laws

T Teschemacher, P Kalkbrenner, L Pelà… - Materials and …, 2023 - Springer
This research presents a constitutive model for the macro scale simulation of masonry
structures. The model is containing an orthotropic plane stress assumption, which appears …

Thermodynamic framework of non-local continuum damage–plasticity model

Y Chen, ME Mobasher, D Zheng, H Waisman - International Journal of …, 2025 - Elsevier
We present a novel non-local continuum damage–plasticity model for predicting numerically
the progressive failure behavior of cohesive-frictional materials within the framework of …

A data-driven approach for predicting the ballistic resistance of elastoplastic materials

X Li, Z Li, Y Chen, C Zhang - Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2023 - Elsevier
Data-driven methods and machine learning methods provide efficient and accurate
approaches for solving impact problems. In this paper, a data-driven approach is proposed …

[HTML][HTML] Hop-to-Hug algorithm: Novel strategy to stable cutting-plane algorithm based on convexification of yield functions

Y Chen, Y Lai, E Liu - Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical …, 2024 - Elsevier
Numerical challenges, incorporating non-uniqueness, non-convexity, undefined gradients,
and high curvature, of the positive level sets of yield function F> 0 are encountered in stress …