Multi-faceted analysis of metal sickles from the late Bronze Age scrap deposit found in Paszowice, SW Poland
Three metal sickles from the late Bronze Age (ca. 1000/900-750 BC, HB1-HB3 period) scrap
deposit (34 objects, 3443 g in total) from Paszowice in SW Poland were sampled to analyse …
deposit (34 objects, 3443 g in total) from Paszowice in SW Poland were sampled to analyse …
[PDF][PDF] Flint sickles from graves of the Strzyżów culture in the light of use-wear analysis
The presented article aims to interpret the function of selected flint sickles from the Early
Bronze Age. For this purpose, we made a use-wear analysis of 13 sickles coming from the …
Bronze Age. For this purpose, we made a use-wear analysis of 13 sickles coming from the …
Znalezisko dwóch sierpów z krzemienia ożarowskiego w Dwikozach, pow. sandomierski
Sierpy z krzemienia ożarowskiego stanowią wyróżniającą się grupę zabytków,
występujących przede wszystkim lokalnie na obszarze Wyżyny Sandomierskiej. Znane są z …
występujących przede wszystkim lokalnie na obszarze Wyżyny Sandomierskiej. Znane są z …
Unusual transformations of sickle-shaped knives made of Ożarów flint
J Budziszewski, K Pyżewicz - Sprawozdania Archeologiczne, 2024 - journals.iaepan.pl
Three raw materials played the greatest role in the flintworking of the Samborzec group of
the Mierzanowice culture. Chocolate flints were used to make small arrowheads, banded …
the Mierzanowice culture. Chocolate flints were used to make small arrowheads, banded …
[PDF][PDF] Between the revolutions—from the Neolithic to the urban revolution in the Southern Levant: A lithic perspective
K Zutovski - Unpublished PhD dissertation]. Tel Aviv University, 2021 - academia.edu
Between the Neolithic and the urban revolutions, swee** changes of tremendous socio-
economic significance took place in the southern Levant. The main goal of this research was …
economic significance took place in the southern Levant. The main goal of this research was …
[PDF][PDF] 4.8. wyniki anaLizy traSeoLogicznej
G Osipowicz - researchgate.net
Badania traseologiczne materiałów zabytkowych z obszaru Lubelszczyzny prowadzono jak
do tej pory bardzo rzadko. Drukiem ukazały się zaledwie pojedyncze opracowania …
do tej pory bardzo rzadko. Drukiem ukazały się zaledwie pojedyncze opracowania …
Two Sickles Made of Ożarów Flint Found at Dwikozy, Sandomierz County
The article reports on two sickles made of Ożarów flint, stray finds from Dwikozy in the
Sandomierz Upland (Fig. 1, 2) and reexamines earlier interpretations of the function of this …
Sandomierz Upland (Fig. 1, 2) and reexamines earlier interpretations of the function of this …