Working memory training does not improve performance on measures of intelligence or other measures of “far transfer” evidence from a meta-analytic review
It has been claimed that working memory training programs produce diverse beneficial
effects. This article presents a meta-analysis of working memory training studies (with a …
effects. This article presents a meta-analysis of working memory training studies (with a …
Is working memory training effective?
Working memory (WM) is a cognitive system that strongly relates to a person's ability to
reason with novel information and direct attention to goal-relevant information. Due to the …
reason with novel information and direct attention to goal-relevant information. Due to the …
Process overlap theory: A unified account of the general factor of intelligence
The most replicated result in the field of intelligence is the positive manifold, which refers to
an all-positive pattern of correlations among diverse cognitive tests. The positive manifold is …
an all-positive pattern of correlations among diverse cognitive tests. The positive manifold is …
The role of attention control in complex real-world tasks
Working memory capacity is an important psychological construct, and many real-world
phenomena are strongly associated with individual differences in working memory …
phenomena are strongly associated with individual differences in working memory …
The relationship between working memory capacity and executive functioning: evidence for a common executive attention construct.
Attentional control has been conceptualized as executive functioning by neuropsychologists
and as working memory capacity by experimental psychologists. We examined the …
and as working memory capacity by experimental psychologists. We examined the …
Working memory training may increase working memory capacity but not fluid intelligence
Working memory is a critical element of complex cognition, particularly under conditions of
distraction and interference. Measures of working memory capacity correlate positively with …
distraction and interference. Measures of working memory capacity correlate positively with …
Cognitive predictors of a common multitasking ability: Contributions from working memory, attention control, and fluid intelligence.
Previous research has identified several cognitive abilities that are important for
multitasking, but few studies have attempted to measure a general multitasking ability using …
multitasking, but few studies have attempted to measure a general multitasking ability using …
The relationship between baseline pupil size and intelligence
Pupil dilations of the eye are known to correspond to central cognitive processes. However,
the relationship between pupil size and individual differences in cognitive ability is not as …
the relationship between pupil size and individual differences in cognitive ability is not as …
Coevolution of composite-tool technology, constructive memory, and language: implications for the evolution of modern human behavior
SH Ambrose - Current Anthropology, 2010 - journals.uchicago.edu
The evolution of modern human behavior was undoubtedly accompanied by neurological
changes that enhanced capacities for innovation in technology, language, and social …
changes that enhanced capacities for innovation in technology, language, and social …
Selling points: What cognitive abilities are tapped by casual video games?
The idea that video games or computer-based applications can improve cognitive function
has led to a proliferation of programs claiming to “train the brain.” However, there is often …
has led to a proliferation of programs claiming to “train the brain.” However, there is often …