Numerical simulation of underground excavations in an indurated clay using non-local regularisation. Part 1: formulation and base case
The paper presents the numerical simulation of an underground excavation in the Callovo-
Oxfordian argillaceous formation, performed in the Meuse/Haute-Marne underground …
Oxfordian argillaceous formation, performed in the Meuse/Haute-Marne underground …
[KNJIGA][B] Thermo-poroelasticity and geomechanics
APS Selvadurai, AP Suvorov - 2016 -
Investigations of multi-physical processes in geomaterials have gained increasing attention
due to the ongoing interest in solving complex geoenvironmental problems. This book …
due to the ongoing interest in solving complex geoenvironmental problems. This book …
Experimental and numerical investigation of permeability evolution with damage of sandstone under triaxial compression
A series of triaxial compression tests with permeability measurements was carried out under
different confining pressure and pore pressure difference coupling conditions to investigate …
different confining pressure and pore pressure difference coupling conditions to investigate …
A three-dimensional hydro-mechanical model for simulation of dilatancy controlled gas flow in anisotropic claystone
Dilatancy controlled gas flow is characterized by a series of gas pressure-induced dilatant
pathways in which the pathway aperture is a function of the effective stress within the solid …
pathways in which the pathway aperture is a function of the effective stress within the solid …
Poroelasticity of the Callovo–Oxfordian claystone
This work is devoted to an experimental investigation of the poroelastic behavior of the
Callovo–Oxfordian claystone, a potential host rock for the deep underground repository of …
Callovo–Oxfordian claystone, a potential host rock for the deep underground repository of …
Hydro-mechanical modelling of gas transport in clayey host rocks for nuclear waste repositories
Host rocks, as the final impediment to waste migration, play a significant role in the nuclear
waste repositories. Modelling of gas migration in saturated host rocks as well as its coupled …
waste repositories. Modelling of gas migration in saturated host rocks as well as its coupled …
Modelling the influence of strain localisation and viscosity on the behaviour of underground drifts drilled in claystone
A benchmark is conducted to characterise the Callovo-Oxfordian claystone behaviour for
nuclear waste repository. The objective is to model gallery drilling and Excavation Damaged …
nuclear waste repository. The objective is to model gallery drilling and Excavation Damaged …
Effect of anisotropy and hydro-mechanical couplings on pore pressure evolution during tunnel excavation in low-permeability ground
Continuous monitoring around drifts excavated in the Underground Research Laboratory
(URL) of The French National Radioactive Waste Management Agency (Andra) in Callovo …
(URL) of The French National Radioactive Waste Management Agency (Andra) in Callovo …
Using local second gradient model and shear strain localisation to model the excavation damaged zone in unsaturated claystone
The drilling of galleries induces damage propagation in the surrounding medium and
creates, around them, the excavation damaged zone (EDZ). The prediction of the extension …
creates, around them, the excavation damaged zone (EDZ). The prediction of the extension …
Permeability evolution and water transfer in the excavation damaged zone of a ventilated gallery
The fluid transfers occurring around underground galleries are of paramount importance
when envisaging the long-term sustainability of underground structures for nuclear waste …
when envisaging the long-term sustainability of underground structures for nuclear waste …