Time-resolved ARPES studies of quantum materials
Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), with its exceptional sensitivity to both
the binding energy and the momentum of valence electrons in solids, provides unparalleled …
the binding energy and the momentum of valence electrons in solids, provides unparalleled …
Hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy: a snapshot of the state-of-the-art in 2020
Hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES) is establishing itself as an essential
technique for the characterisation of materials. The number of specialised photoelectron …
technique for the characterisation of materials. The number of specialised photoelectron …
Structure of the moiré exciton captured by imaging its electron and hole
Abstract Interlayer excitons (ILXs)—electron–hole pairs bound across two atomically thin
layered semiconductors—have emerged as attractive platforms to study exciton …
layered semiconductors—have emerged as attractive platforms to study exciton …
Uncovering spin-orbit coupling-independent hidden spin polarization of energy bands in antiferromagnets
Many textbook physical effects in crystals are enabled by some specific symmetries. In
contrast to such 'apparent effects','hidden effect X'refers to the general condition where the …
contrast to such 'apparent effects','hidden effect X'refers to the general condition where the …
Disentangling orbital and valley Hall effects in bilayers of transition metal dichalcogenides
It has been recently shown that monolayers of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) in
the 2H structural phase exhibit relatively large orbital Hall conductivity plateaus within their …
the 2H structural phase exhibit relatively large orbital Hall conductivity plateaus within their …
Connecting higher-order topology with the orbital Hall effect in monolayers of transition metal dichalcogenides
Monolayers of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) in the 2 H structural phase have
been recently classified as higher-order topological insulators (HOTIs), protected by C 3 …
been recently classified as higher-order topological insulators (HOTIs), protected by C 3 …
Orbital Rashba effect in a surface-oxidized Cu film
Recent experimental observation of an unexpectedly large current-induced spin-orbit torque
in surface oxidized Cu on top of a ferromagnet pointed to a possibly prominent role of the …
in surface oxidized Cu on top of a ferromagnet pointed to a possibly prominent role of the …
Momentum-Resolved Observation of Exciton Formation Dynamics in Monolayer WS2
The dynamics of momentum-dark exciton formation in transition metal dichalcogenides is
difficult to measure experimentally, as many momentum-indirect exciton states are not …
difficult to measure experimentally, as many momentum-indirect exciton states are not …
Orbital Hall effect in bilayer transition metal dichalcogenides: From the intra-atomic approximation to the Bloch states orbital magnetic moment approach
Using an effective Dirac model, we study the orbital Hall effect (OHE) in bilayers of transition
metal dichalcogenides with 2H stacking (2H-TMD). We use first-order perturbation theory in …
metal dichalcogenides with 2H stacking (2H-TMD). We use first-order perturbation theory in …
Direct measurement of key exciton properties: Energy, dynamics, and spatial distribution of the wave function
Excitons, Coulomb‐bound electron–hole pairs, are the fundamental excitations governing
the optoelectronic properties of semiconductors. Although optical signatures of excitons …
the optoelectronic properties of semiconductors. Although optical signatures of excitons …