Dynamic surface tension and adsorption mechanisms of surfactants at the air–water interface
J Eastoe, JS Dalton - Advances in colloid and interface science, 2000 - Elsevier
Recent advances in understanding dynamic surface tensions (DSTs) of surfactant solutions
are discussed. For pre-CMC solutions of non-ionic surfactants, theoretical models and …
are discussed. For pre-CMC solutions of non-ionic surfactants, theoretical models and …
Dynamic interfacial tension of surfactant solutions
R Miller, EV Aksenenko, VB Fainerman - Advances in colloid and interface …, 2017 - Elsevier
The dynamics of surfactant interfacial layers was first discussed more than a century ago. In
1946 the most important work by Ward and Tordai was published which is still the theoretical …
1946 the most important work by Ward and Tordai was published which is still the theoretical …
[CARTE][B] Colloidal particles at liquid interfaces
BP Binks, TS Horozov - 2006 - books.google.com
Small solid particles adsorbed at liquid interfaces arise in many industrial products and
process, such as anti-foam formulations, crude oil emulsions and flotation. They act in many …
process, such as anti-foam formulations, crude oil emulsions and flotation. They act in many …
[CARTE][B] Interfacial phenomena and convection
AA Nepomnyashchy, MG Velarde, P Colinet - 2001 - taylorfrancis.com
Interfacial Phenomena and Convection is a self-contained monograph that examines a rich
variety of phenomena in which interfaces play a crucial role. From a unified perspective that …
variety of phenomena in which interfaces play a crucial role. From a unified perspective that …
Development and characterization of hydroxyapatite layered lanthanum organic frameworks by template method for defluoridation of water
The template preparation of hydroxyapatit (HAp) layered lanthanum-benzene tricarboxylic
acid based metal organic frameworks (La-BTC MOFs) abbreviated as HAp-La-BTC-MOFs …
acid based metal organic frameworks (La-BTC MOFs) abbreviated as HAp-La-BTC-MOFs …
Design of hydrotalcite and biopolymers entrapped tunable cerium organic cubic hybrid material for superior fluoride adsorption
The excess fluoride in drinking water is serious risk which leads to fluorosis. The adsorption
method is facile route for defluoridation studies. Hybrid adsorbent possesses unique …
method is facile route for defluoridation studies. Hybrid adsorbent possesses unique …
Investigation of hydroxyapatite-entrenched cerium organic frameworks incorporating biopolymeric beads for efficient fluoride removal
A Jeyaseelan, N Viswanathan - Industrial & Engineering …, 2022 - ACS Publications
In this effort, hydroxyapatite (HAp)-implanted cerium-based metal organic frameworks (Ce-
BTC MOFs) incorporating alginate (Alg) and chitosan (CS) as HAp-Ce-BTC MOFs@ Alg-CS …
BTC MOFs) incorporating alginate (Alg) and chitosan (CS) as HAp-Ce-BTC MOFs@ Alg-CS …
Effect of salt on the adsorption of ionic surfactants at the air-water interface
The combined effect of ionic surfactants and inorganic salts on the interfacial properties is of
great importance to various industrial processes. In this work, the effect of ionic surfactants …
great importance to various industrial processes. In this work, the effect of ionic surfactants …
On the kinetics of nanoparticle self-assembly at liquid/liquid interfaces
S Kutuzov, J He, R Tangirala, T Emrick… - Physical Chemistry …, 2007 - pubs.rsc.org
We investigate the concentration and size dependent self-assembly of cadmium selenide
nanoparticles at an oil/water interface. Using a pendant drop tensiometer, we monitor the …
nanoparticles at an oil/water interface. Using a pendant drop tensiometer, we monitor the …
Irreversible adsorption-driven assembly of nanoparticles at fluid interfaces revealed by a dynamic surface tension probe
Adsorption-driven self-assembly of nanoparticles at fluid interfaces is a promising bottom-up
approach for the preparation of advanced functional materials and devices. Full realization …
approach for the preparation of advanced functional materials and devices. Full realization …