Dynamic surface tension and adsorption mechanisms of surfactants at the air–water interface

J Eastoe, JS Dalton - Advances in colloid and interface science, 2000 - Elsevier
Recent advances in understanding dynamic surface tensions (DSTs) of surfactant solutions
are discussed. For pre-CMC solutions of non-ionic surfactants, theoretical models and …

Dynamic interfacial tension of surfactant solutions

R Miller, EV Aksenenko, VB Fainerman - Advances in colloid and interface …, 2017 - Elsevier
The dynamics of surfactant interfacial layers was first discussed more than a century ago. In
1946 the most important work by Ward and Tordai was published which is still the theoretical …

[CARTE][B] Colloidal particles at liquid interfaces

BP Binks, TS Horozov - 2006 - books.google.com
Small solid particles adsorbed at liquid interfaces arise in many industrial products and
process, such as anti-foam formulations, crude oil emulsions and flotation. They act in many …

[CARTE][B] Interfacial phenomena and convection

AA Nepomnyashchy, MG Velarde, P Colinet - 2001 - taylorfrancis.com
Interfacial Phenomena and Convection is a self-contained monograph that examines a rich
variety of phenomena in which interfaces play a crucial role. From a unified perspective that …

Development and characterization of hydroxyapatite layered lanthanum organic frameworks by template method for defluoridation of water

A Jeyaseelan, IA Kumar, N Viswanathan… - Journal of Colloid and …, 2022 - Elsevier
The template preparation of hydroxyapatit (HAp) layered lanthanum-benzene tricarboxylic
acid based metal organic frameworks (La-BTC MOFs) abbreviated as HAp-La-BTC-MOFs …

Design of hydrotalcite and biopolymers entrapped tunable cerium organic cubic hybrid material for superior fluoride adsorption

A Jeyaseelan, N Viswanathan, IA Kumar… - Colloids and Surfaces B …, 2023 - Elsevier
The excess fluoride in drinking water is serious risk which leads to fluorosis. The adsorption
method is facile route for defluoridation studies. Hybrid adsorbent possesses unique …

Investigation of hydroxyapatite-entrenched cerium organic frameworks incorporating biopolymeric beads for efficient fluoride removal

A Jeyaseelan, N Viswanathan - Industrial & Engineering …, 2022 - ACS Publications
In this effort, hydroxyapatite (HAp)-implanted cerium-based metal organic frameworks (Ce-
BTC MOFs) incorporating alginate (Alg) and chitosan (CS) as HAp-Ce-BTC MOFs@ Alg-CS …

Effect of salt on the adsorption of ionic surfactants at the air-water interface

S Tiwari, S Namsani, JK Singh - Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2022 - Elsevier
The combined effect of ionic surfactants and inorganic salts on the interfacial properties is of
great importance to various industrial processes. In this work, the effect of ionic surfactants …

On the kinetics of nanoparticle self-assembly at liquid/liquid interfaces

S Kutuzov, J He, R Tangirala, T Emrick… - Physical Chemistry …, 2007 - pubs.rsc.org
We investigate the concentration and size dependent self-assembly of cadmium selenide
nanoparticles at an oil/water interface. Using a pendant drop tensiometer, we monitor the …

Irreversible adsorption-driven assembly of nanoparticles at fluid interfaces revealed by a dynamic surface tension probe

N Bizmark, MA Ioannidis, DE Henneke - Langmuir, 2014 - ACS Publications
Adsorption-driven self-assembly of nanoparticles at fluid interfaces is a promising bottom-up
approach for the preparation of advanced functional materials and devices. Full realization …