A modified viscous flow law for natural glacier ice: Scaling from laboratories to ice sheets
Glacier flow modulates sea level and is governed largely by the viscous deformation of ice.
Multiple molecular-scale mechanisms facilitate viscous deformation, but it remains unclear …
Multiple molecular-scale mechanisms facilitate viscous deformation, but it remains unclear …
Crystal orientation fabric anisotropy causes directional hardening of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream
The dynamic mass loss of ice sheets constitutes one of the biggest uncertainties in
projections of ice-sheet evolution. One central, understudied aspect of ice flow is how the …
projections of ice-sheet evolution. One central, understudied aspect of ice flow is how the …
Highly variable friction and slip observed at Antarctic ice stream bed
The slip of glaciers over the underlying bed is the dominant mechanism governing the
migration of ice from land into the oceans, with accelerating slip contributing to sea-level …
migration of ice from land into the oceans, with accelerating slip contributing to sea-level …
Recent irreversible retreat phase of Pine Island Glacier
Abstract Pine Island Glacier (PIG), a part of the West Antarctic marine ice sheet, has recently
undergone substantial changes including speed up, retreat and thinning. Theoretical …
undergone substantial changes including speed up, retreat and thinning. Theoretical …
Evidence for and against temperate ice in Antarctic shear margins from radar‐depth sounding data
The majority of ice mass loss from Antarctica flows through narrow, fast sliding regions of ice.
The lateral boundaries of these regions, termed shear margins, are characterized by lateral …
The lateral boundaries of these regions, termed shear margins, are characterized by lateral …
Inferred basal friction and mass flux affected by crystal-orientation fabrics
We investigate the errors caused by neglecting the crystal-orientation fabric when inferring
the basal friction coefficient field, and whether such errors can be alleviated by inferring an …
the basal friction coefficient field, and whether such errors can be alleviated by inferring an …
Thermal controls on ice stream shear margins
Ice stream discharge responds to a balance between gravity, basal friction and lateral drag.
Appreciable viscous heating occurs in shear margins between ice streams and adjacent …
Appreciable viscous heating occurs in shear margins between ice streams and adjacent …
Data‐driven inference of the mechanics of slip along glacier beds using physics‐informed neural networks: Case study on rutford ice stream, Antarctica
Reliable projections of sea‐level rise depend on accurate representations of how fast‐
flowing glaciers slip along their beds. The mechanics of slip are often parameterized as a …
flowing glaciers slip along their beds. The mechanics of slip are often parameterized as a …
[HTML][HTML] Recrystallization of ice enhances the creep and vulnerability to fracture of ice shelves
The initiation of fractures and fast flow in floating regions of Antarctica have the potential to
destabilize large regions of the grounded ice sheet, leading to rapid sea-level rise. While …
destabilize large regions of the grounded ice sheet, leading to rapid sea-level rise. While …
Validating ensemble historical simulations of Upernavik Isstrøm (1985–2019) using observations of surface velocity and elevation
The future of tidewater glaciers in response to climate warming is one of the largest sources
of uncertainty in the contribution of the Greenland ice sheet to global sea-level rise. In this …
of uncertainty in the contribution of the Greenland ice sheet to global sea-level rise. In this …