Network load balancing with host status information

CL Darling, JM Joy, S Shrivastava… - US Patent …, 2009 - Google Patents
4'405'829 A 9/1983 Rivest et a1 ' processor-executable instructions that, When executed,
drrect 4'424'4 14 A V1984 H ellman et a1 ' a system to perform actions that include …

Network load balancing with traffic routing

CL Darling, SB House, A Hydrie, JM Joy… - US Patent …, 2009 - Google Patents
In an exemplary method implementation, a method includes: receiving a packet requesting a
new connection at a forward ing component; sending the packet from the forwarding com …

Architecture for distributed computing system and automated design, deployment, and management of distributed applications

GC Hunt, B Tabbara, K Grealish, G Outhred… - US Patent …, 2011 - Google Patents
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Network load balancing with session information

JM Joy, KN Sivathanup - US Patent 7,613,822, 2009 - Google Patents
4,200,770 A 4, 1980 Hellman et al. 4,218,582 A 8, 1980 Hellman et al. 4.405, 829 A 9, 1983
Rivest et al. 4,424.414 A 1, 1984 Hellman et al. 5,031,089 A 7, 1991 Liu et al. 5,115,505 A …

Remote system administration and seamless service integration of a data communication network management system

JF Mann, A Sitaraman, M Deng, LA Thomas - US Patent 6,654,801, 2003 - Google Patents
David B. Ritchie LLP (57) ABSTRACT A method for providing remote management and
mainte nance of a node or Service within a data communications network that is activated by …

Fast application notification in a clustered computing system

C Colrain - US Patent 7,747,717, 2010 - Google Patents
US7747717B2 - Fast application notification in a clustered computing system - Google Patents
US7747717B2 - Fast application notification in a clustered computing system - Google Patents …

Flexible network load balancing

A Hydrie, JM Joy, RV Welland - US Patent 7,590,736, 2009 - Google Patents
5,220,621 A 6, 1993 Saitoh least a portion of network-load-balancing functionality from
5,371,852 A 12/1994 Attanasio et al. a device that executes host functionality to another …

Network load balancing with connection manipulation

A Gbadegesin, SB House, A Hydrie, JM Joy… - US Patent …, 2009 - Google Patents
Related US Application Data In an exemplary device implementation, a device includes: a
(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 10/610,506, connection migrator that is …

Architecture for distributed computing system and automated design, deployment, and management of distributed applications

MC Brown, CD Chase, K Grealish, GC Hunt… - US Patent …, 2009 - Google Patents
2017-09-22 Assigned to MICROSOFT CORPORATION reassignment MICROSOFT

Methods and apparatus for scalable, distributed management of virtual private networks

DWJ Stringer-Calvert, SM Dawson… - US Patent 7,403,980, 2008 - Google Patents
(54) METHODS AND APPARATUS FOR 6, 195,751 B1 2/2001 Caronni et al. SCALABLE,
DISTRIBUTED MANAGEMENT 6,226,748 B1* 5/2001 Bots et al.................... T13 201 OF …