Surface modification and enhanced photocatalytic CO2 reduction performance of TiO2: a review
Recently, the excessive consumption of fossil fuels has caused high emissions of the
greenhouse gases, CO 2 into atmosphere and global energy crisis. Mimicking the natural …
greenhouse gases, CO 2 into atmosphere and global energy crisis. Mimicking the natural …
Integrated adsorption and photocatalytic degradation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using carbon-based nanocomposites: A critical review
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are harmful for human and surrounding ecosystem, and
a great number of VOC abatement technologies have been developed during the past few …
a great number of VOC abatement technologies have been developed during the past few …
Principles and mechanisms of photocatalytic dye degradation on TiO 2 based photocatalysts: a comparative overview
The total annual production of synthetic dye is more than 7× 105 tons. Annually, through
only textile waste effluents, around one thousand tons of non-biodegradable textile dyes are …
only textile waste effluents, around one thousand tons of non-biodegradable textile dyes are …
Carbon nanotube catalysts: recent advances in synthesis, characterization and applications
Carbon nanotubes are promising materials for various applications. In recent years,
progress in manufacturing and functionalizing carbon nanotubes has been made to achieve …
progress in manufacturing and functionalizing carbon nanotubes has been made to achieve …
Semiconductor-based photocatalysts and photoelectrochemical cells for solar fuel generation: a review
To address the challenge in sustainable global development, considerable effort has been
made to produce fuels from renewable resources with photocatalysts and …
made to produce fuels from renewable resources with photocatalysts and …
Photocatalysis fundamentals and surface modification of TiO2 nanomaterials
As a green and sustainable technology, heterogeneous photocatalysis using
semiconductors has received much attention during the past decades because of its …
semiconductors has received much attention during the past decades because of its …
Zinc oxide based photocatalysis: tailoring surface-bulk structure and related interfacial charge carrier dynamics for better environmental applications
SG Kumar, KSRK Rao - Rsc Advances, 2015 - pubs.rsc.org
As an alternative to the gold standard TiO2 photocatalyst, the use of zinc oxide (ZnO) as a
robust candidate for wastewater treatment is widespread due to its similarity in charge …
robust candidate for wastewater treatment is widespread due to its similarity in charge …
Adsorptional-photocatalytic removal of fast sulphon black dye by using chitin-cl-poly (itaconic acid-co-acrylamide)/zirconium tungstate nanocomposite hydrogel
In the present work, the removal of fast sulphon black (FSB) dye from water was executed by
using chitin-cl-poly (itaconic acid-co-acrylamide)/zirconium tungstate nanocomposite …
using chitin-cl-poly (itaconic acid-co-acrylamide)/zirconium tungstate nanocomposite …
A review on nanomaterials for environmental remediation
This article gives an overview of the application of nanomaterials in environmental
remediation. In the area of environmental remediation, nanomaterials offer the potential for …
remediation. In the area of environmental remediation, nanomaterials offer the potential for …
Review on Modified TiO2 Photocatalysis under UV/Visible Light: Selected Results and Related Mechanisms on Interfacial Charge Carrier Transfer Dynamics
Titania is one of the most widely used benchmark standard photocatalysts in the field of
environmental applications. However, the large band gap of titania and massive …
environmental applications. However, the large band gap of titania and massive …