Alternative (non-animal) methods for cosmetics testing: current status and future prospects—2010
The 7th amendment to the EU Cosmetics Directive prohibits to put animal-tested cosmetics
on the market in Europe after 2013. In that context, the European Commission invited …
on the market in Europe after 2013. In that context, the European Commission invited …
In vitro acute and developmental neurotoxicity screening: an overview of cellular platforms and high-throughput technical possibilities
Neurotoxicity and developmental neurotoxicity are important issues of chemical hazard
assessment. Since the interpretation of animal data and their extrapolation to man is …
assessment. Since the interpretation of animal data and their extrapolation to man is …
[HTML][HTML] Review of current and “omics” methods for assessing the toxicity (genotoxicity, teratogenicity and nephrotoxicity) of herbal medicines and mushrooms
ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: The increasing use of traditional herbal
medicines around the world requires more scientific evidence for their putative …
medicines around the world requires more scientific evidence for their putative …
[HTML][HTML] Mercury toxicity and neurogenesis in the mammalian brain
The mammalian brain is formed from billions of cells that include a wide array of neuronal
and glial subtypes. Neural progenitor cells give rise to the vast majority of these cells during …
and glial subtypes. Neural progenitor cells give rise to the vast majority of these cells during …
Long‐lasting neurotoxic effects of exposure to methylmercury during development
Amongst environmental chemical contaminants, methylmercury (M e H g) remains a major
concern because of its detrimental effects on develo** organisms, which appear to be …
concern because of its detrimental effects on develo** organisms, which appear to be …
Pluripotent stem cells in developmental toxicity testing: a review of methodological advances
Millions of children are born each year with a birth defect. Many of these defects are caused
by environmental factors, although the underlying etiology is often unknown. In vivo …
by environmental factors, although the underlying etiology is often unknown. In vivo …
Methylmercury impact on adult neurogenesis: is the worst yet to come from recent Brazilian environmental disasters?
Worldwide environmental tragedies of anthropogenic origin causing massive release of
metals and other pollutants have been increasing considerably. These pollution outbreaks …
metals and other pollutants have been increasing considerably. These pollution outbreaks …
Literature review on in vitro and alternative developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) testing methods
The goal of this systematic review performed under a contract with EFSA was the evaluation
of information on assessment methods in the field of developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) …
of information on assessment methods in the field of developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) …
An integrated approach for detecting embryotoxicity and developmental toxicity of environmental contaminants using in vitro alternative methods
The main available alternatives for testing embryotoxicity are cellular tests with stem cells
and in vitro-ex vivo tests with embryos. In cellular tests, the most developed alternative is the …
and in vitro-ex vivo tests with embryos. In cellular tests, the most developed alternative is the …
[HTML][HTML] Pluripotent stem cell assays: Modalities and applications for predictive developmental toxicity
This manuscript provides a review focused on embryonic stem cell-based models and their
place within the landscape of alternative developmental toxicity assays. Against the …
place within the landscape of alternative developmental toxicity assays. Against the …