Listening to animal behavior to understand changing ecosystems
Interpreting sound gives powerful insight into the health of ecosystems. Beyond detecting
the presence of wildlife, bioacoustic signals can reveal their behavior. However, behavioral …
the presence of wildlife, bioacoustic signals can reveal their behavior. However, behavioral …
Origins of music in credible signaling
Music comprises a diverse category of cognitive phenomena that likely represent both the
effects of psychological adaptations that are specific to music (eg, rhythmic entrainment) and …
effects of psychological adaptations that are specific to music (eg, rhythmic entrainment) and …
Music and sustainability: organizational cultures towards creative resilience–a review
S Kagan, V Kirchberg - Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016 - Elsevier
While the potential of creativity and of the arts for societal transformation towards
sustainability has gained attention over recent years, a specific focus on music is lacking in …
sustainability has gained attention over recent years, a specific focus on music is lacking in …
Connecting soundscape to landscape: Which acoustic index best describes landscape configuration?
Soundscape assessment has been proposed as a remote ecological monitoring tool for
measuring biodiversity, but few studies have examined how soundscape patterns vary with …
measuring biodiversity, but few studies have examined how soundscape patterns vary with …
[KNYGA][B] Listening for democracy: Recognition, representation, reconciliation
A Dobson - 2014 - books.google.com
Although much prized in daily conversation, good listening has been almost completely
ignored in that form of political conversation we know as democracy. This book examines …
ignored in that form of political conversation we know as democracy. This book examines …
Using ecoacoustic methods to survey the impacts of climate change on biodiversity
B Krause, A Farina - Biological conservation, 2016 - Elsevier
Climate change is an important cause of the irreversible transformation of habitats, of the
rapid extinction of species, and of the dramatic changes in entire communities, especially for …
rapid extinction of species, and of the dramatic changes in entire communities, especially for …
The sounds of life: How digital technology is bringing us closer to the worlds of animals and plants
K Bakker - 2022 - torrossa.com
Compared with our cousins on the Tree of Life, humans are poor listeners. 1 Below the
lower end of human hearing lies deep infrasound: the realm of thunder and tornadoes …
lower end of human hearing lies deep infrasound: the realm of thunder and tornadoes …
Visualization of temporal change in soundscape power of a Michigan lake habitat over a 4-year period
SH Gage, AC Axel - Ecological Informatics, 2014 - Elsevier
Soundscape Ecology is an emerging area of science that does not focus on the identification
of species in the soundscape but attempts to characterize sounds by organizing them into …
of species in the soundscape but attempts to characterize sounds by organizing them into …
[KNYGA][B] Wild soundscapes: discovering the voice of the natural world
B Krause - 2016 - books.google.com
Through his organization Wild Sanctuary, Bernie Krause has traveled the globe to hear and
record the sounds of diverse natural habitats. Wild Soundscapes, first published in 2002 …
record the sounds of diverse natural habitats. Wild Soundscapes, first published in 2002 …