Predicting industrial building energy consumption with statistical and machine-learning models informed by physical system parameters
The industrial sector consumes about one-third of global energy, making them a frequent
target for energy use reduction. Variation in energy usage is observed with weather …
target for energy use reduction. Variation in energy usage is observed with weather …
Integration of buildings with third-generation photovoltaic solar cells: a review
Clean-energy technologies have been welcomed due to environmental concerns and high
fossil-fuel costs. Today, photovoltaic (PV) cells are among the most well-known technologies …
fossil-fuel costs. Today, photovoltaic (PV) cells are among the most well-known technologies …
Solar PV on mosque rooftops: Results from a pilot study in Saudi Arabia
Muslims congregate for prayers in mosques five times daily: at dawn, noon, afternoon,
sunset, and evening. Because these times are governed by the sun, they change within the …
sunset, and evening. Because these times are governed by the sun, they change within the …
[HTML][HTML] A photovoltaic window with sun-tracking shading elements towards maximum power generation and non-glare daylighting
Vertical space bears great potential of solar energy especially for congested urban areas,
where photovoltaic (PV) windows in high-rise buildings can contribute to both power …
where photovoltaic (PV) windows in high-rise buildings can contribute to both power …
A review on the application of photovoltaic thermal systems for building façades
A Riaz, R Liang, C Zhou… - … Research and Technology, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
The hybrid photovoltaic-thermal system has shown great progress. Electrical energy is
produced from PV panels while thermal energy is produced via a working fluid carried …
produced from PV panels while thermal energy is produced via a working fluid carried …
Development of a prototype for multi-function smart window by integrating photovoltaic blinds and ventilation system
To address the energy consumption problem in the building sector, this study sought to
develop a prototype of the multi-function smart window as a combination of the photovoltaic …
develop a prototype of the multi-function smart window as a combination of the photovoltaic …
Analyzing the multiscale impacts of implementing energy-efficient HVAC improvements through energy audits and economic input–output analysis
P Shook, JK Choi, K Kissock - Journal of Energy …, 2023 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
Heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems are usually an industry's highest
consumer of energy, most of which goes toward space cooling in buildings. Industrial energy …
consumer of energy, most of which goes toward space cooling in buildings. Industrial energy …
Toward cost-effective residential energy reduction and community impacts: A data-based machine learning approach
Many US utilities incentivize residential energy reduction through rebates, often in response
to state mandates for energy reduction or from a desire to reduce demand to mitigate the …
to state mandates for energy reduction or from a desire to reduce demand to mitigate the …
An integrated model for estimating the techno-economic performance of the distributed solar generation system on building façades: Focused on energy demand and …
There has been growing interest in the distributed solar generation (DSG) system in
accordance with the 'Post-2020 Climate Change Agreement', especially for the reduction of …
accordance with the 'Post-2020 Climate Change Agreement', especially for the reduction of …
An overall performance index for wind farms: a case study in Norway Arctic region
AM Mustafa, A Barabadi, T Markeset… - International Journal of …, 2021 - Springer
Wind farms (WFs) experience various challenges that affect their performance. Mostly,
designers focus on the technical side of WFs performance, mainly increasing the power …
designers focus on the technical side of WFs performance, mainly increasing the power …