[HTML][HTML] Honey bees as biomonitors of environmental contaminants, pathogens, and climate change
Monitoring the environment for pollution, pesticides, and pathogens is crucial for protecting
human, agriculture, and overall ecosystem health. Diverse strategies ranging from physical …
human, agriculture, and overall ecosystem health. Diverse strategies ranging from physical …
Advances and knowledge gaps on climate change impacts on honey bees and beekee**: A systematic review
Abstract The Western honey bee Apis mellifera is a managed species that provides diverse
hive products and contributing to wild plant pollination, as well as being a critical component …
hive products and contributing to wild plant pollination, as well as being a critical component …
Fertility and mortality impacts of thermal stress from experimental heatwaves on different life stages and their recovery in a model insect
With climate change creating a more volatile atmosphere, heatwaves that create thermal
stress for living systems will become stronger and more frequent. Using the flour beetle …
stress for living systems will become stronger and more frequent. Using the flour beetle …
Common viral infections inhibit egg laying in honey bee queens and are linked to premature supersedure
With their long lives and extreme reproductive output, social insect queens have escaped
the classic trade-off between fecundity and lifespan, but evidence for a trade-off between …
the classic trade-off between fecundity and lifespan, but evidence for a trade-off between …
Co** with the cold and fighting the heat: thermal homeostasis of a superorganism, the honeybee colony
A Stabentheiner, H Kovac, M Mandl, H Käfer - Journal of Comparative …, 2021 - Springer
The worldwide distribution of honeybees and their fast propagation to new areas rests on
their ability to keep up optimal 'tropical conditions' in their brood nest both in the cold and in …
their ability to keep up optimal 'tropical conditions' in their brood nest both in the cold and in …
Response mechanisms to heat stress in bees
H Zhao, G Li, D Guo, H Li, Q Liu, B Xu, X Guo - Apidologie, 2021 - Springer
Bees are vitally important in natural and agricultural ecosystems, providing key pollination
services to wild plants and crops. Increasing reports of regional declines of bee populations …
services to wild plants and crops. Increasing reports of regional declines of bee populations …
[HTML][HTML] A framework for better sensor-based beehive health monitoring
Hive bees provide essential pollination services to human agriculture. Managed honey bees
in particular pollinate many crops, but also create honey and other bee products that are …
in particular pollinate many crops, but also create honey and other bee products that are …
Mating under climate change: Impact of simulated heatwaves on the reproduction of model pollinators
Climate change is related to an increase in frequency and intensity of extreme events such
as heatwaves. It is well established that such events may worsen the current world‐wide …
as heatwaves. It is well established that such events may worsen the current world‐wide …
Social life results in social stress protection: a novel concept to explain individual life‐history patterns in social insects
Resistance to and avoidance of stress slow aging and confer increased longevity in
numerous organisms. Honey bees and other superorganismal social insects have two main …
numerous organisms. Honey bees and other superorganismal social insects have two main …
Sperm can't take the heat: Short-term temperature exposures compromise fertility of male bumble bees (Bombus impatiens)
Bumble bee (genus Bombus) populations are increasingly under threat from habitat
fragmentation, pesticides, pathogens, and climate change. Climate change is likely a prime …
fragmentation, pesticides, pathogens, and climate change. Climate change is likely a prime …