The Lancet Commission on diabetes: using data to transform diabetes care and patient lives
Executive summary 2020 will go down in history as the year when the global community was
awakened to the fragility of human health and the interdependence of the ecosystem …
awakened to the fragility of human health and the interdependence of the ecosystem …
JCS 2018 guideline on diagnosis and treatment of acute coronary syndrome
K Kimura, T Kimura, M Ishihara, Y Nakagawa… - Circulation …, 2019 - jstage.jst.go.jp
Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) are a comprehensive disease concept characterized by
acute myocardial ischemia caused by disruption of coronary artery plaque and consequent …
acute myocardial ischemia caused by disruption of coronary artery plaque and consequent …
European society of cardiology: the 2023 atlas of cardiovascular disease statistics
This report from the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Atlas Project updates and
expands upon the 2021 report in presenting cardiovascular disease (CVD) statistics for the …
expands upon the 2021 report in presenting cardiovascular disease (CVD) statistics for the …
Oxidative stress and cardiovascular risk: obesity, diabetes, smoking, and pollution: part 3 of a 3-part series
Oxidative stress occurs whenever the release of reactive oxygen species (ROS) exceeds
endogenous antioxidant capacity. In this paper, we review the specific role of several …
endogenous antioxidant capacity. In this paper, we review the specific role of several …
Air pollution and cardiovascular disease
An escalating body of epidemiologic and clinical research provides compelling evidence
that exposure to fine particulate matter air pollution contributes to the development of …
that exposure to fine particulate matter air pollution contributes to the development of …
Legislative smoking bans for reducing harms from secondhand smoke exposure, smoking prevalence and tobacco consumption
Background Smoking bans have been implemented in a variety of settings, as well as being
part of policy in many jurisdictions to protect the public and employees from the harmful …
part of policy in many jurisdictions to protect the public and employees from the harmful …
Worldwide burden of disease from exposure to second-hand smoke: a retrospective analysis of data from 192 countries
Background Exposure to second-hand smoke is common in many countries but the
magnitude of the problem worldwide is poorly described. We aimed to estimate the …
magnitude of the problem worldwide is poorly described. We aimed to estimate the …
Defining and setting national goals for cardiovascular health promotion and disease reduction: the American Heart Association's strategic Impact Goal through 2020 …
DM Lloyd-Jones, Y Hong, D Labarthe, D Mozaffarian… - Circulation, 2010 - ahajournals.org
This document details the procedures and recommendations of the Goals and Metrics
Committee of the Strategic Planning Task Force of the American Heart Association, which …
Committee of the Strategic Planning Task Force of the American Heart Association, which …
Impact of the WHO FCTC over the first decade: a global evidence review prepared for the Impact Assessment Expert Group
J Chung-Hall, L Craig, S Gravely… - Tobacco …, 2019 - tobaccocontrol.bmj.com
Objective To present findings of a narrative review on the implementation and effectiveness
of 17 Articles of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) during the …
of 17 Articles of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) during the …