Advances in space quantum communications
Concerted efforts are underway to establish an infrastructure for a global quantum Internet to
realise a spectrum of quantum technologies. This will enable more precise sensors, secure …
realise a spectrum of quantum technologies. This will enable more precise sensors, secure …
Cybersecurity of satellite communications systems: A comprehensive survey of the space, ground, and links segments
Satellite communications (Satcoms) systems have become an integral part of modern
society, providing critical infrastructure for a wide range of applications. However, as the …
society, providing critical infrastructure for a wide range of applications. However, as the …
[HTML][HTML] Anomaly detection for space information networks: A survey of challenges, techniques, and future directions
Abstract Space anomaly detection plays a critical role in safeguarding the integrity and
reliability of space systems amid the rising tide of threats. This survey aims to deepen …
reliability of space systems amid the rising tide of threats. This survey aims to deepen …
[HTML][HTML] An exploratory analysis of the last frontier: A systematic literature review of cybersecurity in space
Nowadays, assets in space are vital for the provision of critical societal functions such as
transportation, communication, production and supply of food, agriculture, etc. The …
transportation, communication, production and supply of food, agriculture, etc. The …
Building a launchpad for satellite cyber-security research: lessons from 60 years of spaceflight
As the space industry approaches a period of rapid change, securing both emerging and
legacy satellite missions will become vital. However, space technology has been largely …
legacy satellite missions will become vital. However, space technology has been largely …
A survey on satellite communication system security
In recent years, satellite communication systems (SCSs) have rapidly developed in terms of
their role and capabilities, promoted by advancements in space launch technologies …
their role and capabilities, promoted by advancements in space launch technologies …
Cubesat security attack tree analysis
Once a novelty, small satellites, often referred to as CubeSats, have become important tools
for a variety of space activities ranging from exploration to defense. Their relative …
for a variety of space activities ranging from exploration to defense. Their relative …
A security risk taxonomy for commercial space missions
View Video Presentation: https://doi. org/10.2514/6.2021-4241. vid Security risks and their
associated incidents for commercial space systems could lead to mission failure. This paper …
associated incidents for commercial space systems could lead to mission failure. This paper …
A new intelligent satellite deep learning network forensic framework for smart satellite networks
By combining the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), new augmentations
and enhancements are realized, resulting in environment-aware systems that can enable …
and enhancements are realized, resulting in environment-aware systems that can enable …
Evaluating the security of satellite systems
Satellite systems are facing an ever-increasing amount of cybersecurity threats as their role
in communications, navigation, and other services expands. Recent papers have examined …
in communications, navigation, and other services expands. Recent papers have examined …