Effect of roughness on fluid flow and solute transport in a single fracture: A review of recent developments, current trends, and future research

J Lee, T Babadagli - Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2021 - Elsevier
Difficulties encountered in describing fracture flow using classical fluid flow equations has
led to extensive studies of the roughness effect on fracture flow over the past 70 years …

Effects of fractal surface roughness and lithology on single and multiphase flow in a single fracture: an experimental investigation

T Babadagli, X Ren, K Develi - International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2015 - Elsevier
This paper presents qualitative and quantitative analysis of single and multiphase flow in a
single fracture based on experimental results and demonstrates relationships between the …

Effect of surface roughness and lithology on the water–gas and water–oil relative permeability ratios of oil-wet single fractures

T Babadagli, S Raza, X Ren, K Develi - International Journal of Multiphase …, 2015 - Elsevier
This paper discusses the effect of surface roughness on the water–gas and water–oil
relative permeabilities of single fractures. After manufacturing 20× 20 cm transparent …

The effect of fracture aperture and flow rate ratios on two-phase flow in smooth-walled single fracture

AA Alturki, BB Maini, ID Gates - Journal of Petroleum Exploration and …, 2013 - Springer
This work experimentally examines the co-current flow of oil and water in moderately oil-wet
smooth-walled single fractures. The focus of our investigation is on studying the effects of …

The effect of wall roughness on two-phase flow in a rough-walled Hele-Shaw cell

AA Alturki, BB Maini, ID Gates - Journal of Petroleum Exploration and …, 2014 - Springer
Many studies focus on the flow of multiple phases in smooth fractures yet most real fractures
are rough thus flow regime maps and results for multiphase flow in smooth fractures are not …

Effective flow properties for cells containing fractures of arbitrary geometry

A Sakhaee-Pour, MF Wheeler - SPE Journal, 2016 - onepetro.org
Hydrocarbon production from unconventional resources such as shale usually entails
stimulation by hydraulic fracturing, which results in nonplanar (curved) fractures. However …

Relative Permeability Behavior of Oil-Water Systems in Wolfcamp and Eagle Ford Fractures

D Guerra, D Arceneaux, D Zhu, AD Hill - SPE International Hydraulic …, 2022 - onepetro.org
Presently, two-phase flow behavior through propped and unpropped fractures is poorly
understood, and due to this fact, reservoir modeling using numerical simulation for the …


廉培庆, 程林松, 刘丽芳 - 石油学报, 2011 - syxb-cps.com.cn
笔者应用某碳酸盐岩油藏天然岩心进行油水相对渗透率实验, 对基质岩心进行造缝 …

[HTML][HTML] 复杂裂缝网络系统油水相渗曲线特征实验研究

潘毅, 王攀荣, 宋道万, 董亚娟, 孙雷 - 2016 - html.rhhz.net
以实际裂缝性碳酸盐岩油藏储层地质特征为基础, 设计并制作了裂缝系统逐渐由简单到复杂状态 …

Numerical simulation of waterflooding process using lattice Boltzmann method to estimate relative permeability for fractured unconventional reservoirs

Z Li, T Chen, Y Ning, K Zhang, G Qin - SPE Middle East Oil and Gas …, 2019 - onepetro.org
Shale formations exhibit multi-scale geological features such as nanopores in formation
matrix and fractures at multiple length scales. Accurate prediction of relative permeability …