From short to medium range order in glasses and melts by diffraction and Raman spectroscopy
The structure of glasses and the melts from which they are formed is intrinsically disordered,
making their structural characterization difficult. Whilst the structure of solid minerals can be …
making their structural characterization difficult. Whilst the structure of solid minerals can be …
Aerodynamic levitation, supercooled liquids and glass formation
CJ Benmore, JKR Weber - Advances in Physics: X, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Containerless processing or 'levitation'is a valuable tool for the synthesis and
characterization of materials, particularly at extreme temperatures and under non …
characterization of materials, particularly at extreme temperatures and under non …
Host genetic diversity enables Ebola hemorrhagic fever pathogenesis and resistance
Existing mouse models of lethal Ebola virus infection do not reproduce hallmark symptoms
of Ebola hemorrhagic fever, neither delayed blood coagulation and disseminated …
of Ebola hemorrhagic fever, neither delayed blood coagulation and disseminated …
Characterization of cement minerals, cements and their reaction products at the atomic and nano scale
Recent advances and highlights in characterization methods are reviewed for cement
minerals, cements and their reaction products. The emphasis is on X-ray and neutron …
minerals, cements and their reaction products. The emphasis is on X-ray and neutron …
Molten uranium dioxide structure and dynamics
Uranium dioxide (UO2) is the major nuclear fuel component of fission power reactors. A key
concern during severe accidents is the melting and leakage of radioactive UO2 as it …
concern during severe accidents is the melting and leakage of radioactive UO2 as it …
[CARTE][B] High-temperature levitated materials
DL Price - 2010 -
One of the major experimental difficulties in studying materials at extreme temperatures is
unwanted contamination of the sample through contact with the container. This can be …
unwanted contamination of the sample through contact with the container. This can be …
Neutron diffraction of calcium aluminosilicate glasses and melts
The combination of neutron diffraction with aerodynamic levitation and laser heating,
pioneered by Neville Greaves and co-workers about 15 years ago, is an important tool for …
pioneered by Neville Greaves and co-workers about 15 years ago, is an important tool for …
Aerodynamic levitation and laser heating: Applications at synchrotron and neutron sources
Aerodynamic levitation is an effective way to suspend samples which can be heated with CO
2 lasers. The advantages of this containerless technique are the simplicity and compactness …
2 lasers. The advantages of this containerless technique are the simplicity and compactness …
Development of chemical and topological structure in aluminosilicate liquids and glasses at high pressure
The high pressure structure of liquid and glassy anorthite (CaAl 2 Si 2 O 8) and calcium
aluminate (CaAl 2 O 4) glass was measured by using in situ synchrotron x-ray diffraction in a …
aluminate (CaAl 2 O 4) glass was measured by using in situ synchrotron x-ray diffraction in a …
Liquid structure under extreme conditions: high-pressure x-ray diffraction studies
JWE Drewitt - Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2021 -
Under extreme conditions of high pressure and temperature, liquids can undergo substantial
structural transformations as their atoms rearrange to minimise energy within a more …
structural transformations as their atoms rearrange to minimise energy within a more …