Land use and land cover as a conditioning factor in landslide susceptibility: a literature review

R Pacheco Quevedo, A Velastegui-Montoya… - Landslides, 2023 - Springer
Landslide occurrence has become increasingly influenced by human activities. Accordingly,
changing land use and land cover (LULC) is an important conditioning factor in landslide …

A spatially explicit deep learning neural network model for the prediction of landslide susceptibility

D Van Dao, A Jaafari, M Bayat, D Mafi-Gholami, C Qi… - Catena, 2020 - Elsevier
With the increasing threat of recurring landslides, susceptibility maps are expected to play a
bigger role in promoting our understanding of future landslides and their magnitude. This …

Meta optimization of an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system with grey wolf optimizer and biogeography-based optimization algorithms for spatial prediction of …

A Jaafari, M Panahi, BT Pham, H Shahabi, DT Bui… - Catena, 2019 - Elsevier
Estimation of landslide susceptibility is still an ongoing requirement for land use
management plans. Here, we proposed two novel intelligence hybrid models that rely on an …

A novel hybrid intelligent model of support vector machines and the MultiBoost ensemble for landslide susceptibility modeling

BT Pham, A Jaafari, I Prakash, DT Bui - Bulletin of Engineering Geology …, 2019 - Springer
The main aim of this study is to propose a novel hybrid intelligent model named MBSVM
which is an integration of the MultiBoost ensemble and a support vector machine (SVM) for …

Coupling RBF neural network with ensemble learning techniques for landslide susceptibility map**

BT Pham, T Nguyen-Thoi, C Qi, T Van Phong, J Dou… - Catena, 2020 - Elsevier
Using multiple ensemble learning techniques for improving the predictive accuracy of
landslide models is an active research area. In this study, we combined a radial basis …

Ensemble modeling of landslide susceptibility using random subspace learner and different decision tree classifiers

BT Pham, TV Phong, T Nguyen-Thoi, K Parial… - Geocarto …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
In this study, we have developed five spatially explicit ensemble predictive machine learning
models for the landslide susceptibility map** of the Van Chan district of the Yen Bai …

Wildfire spatial pattern analysis in the Zagros Mountains, Iran: A comparative study of decision tree based classifiers

A Jaafari, EK Zenner, BT Pham - Ecological informatics, 2018 - Elsevier
Abstract Knowledge of wildfire behavior is of key importance for planning and allocating
resources to fire suppression efforts. In this study, we analyzed the spatial pattern of wildfires …

GIS-based landslide spatial modeling in Ganzhou City, China

H Hong, SA Naghibi, HR Pourghasemi… - Arabian Journal of …, 2016 - Springer
Landslide susceptibility map** is among the first works for disaster management and land
use planning activities in a mountain area like Ganzhou City. The aims of the current study …

Map** landslide susceptibility with frequency ratio, statistical index, and weights of evidence models: a case study in northern Iran

S Razavizadeh, K Solaimani, M Massironi… - Environmental Earth …, 2017 - Springer
The main objective of this study is to investigate potential application of frequency ratio (FR),
weights of evidence (WoE), and statistical index (SI) models for landslide susceptibility …