[HTML][HTML] Raman spectroscopy for medical diagnostics—From in-vitro biofluid assays to in-vivo cancer detection

K Kong, C Kendall, N Stone, I Notingher - Advanced drug delivery reviews, 2015 - Elsevier
Raman spectroscopy is an optical technique based on inelastic scattering of light by
vibrating molecules and can provide chemical fingerprints of cells, tissues or biofluids. The …

Microcalcifications in breast cancer: From pathophysiology to diagnosis and prognosis

S O'Grady, MP Morgan - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Reviews on …, 2018 - Elsevier
The implementation of mammographic screening programmes in many countries has been
linked to a marked increase in early detection and improved prognosis for breast cancer …

Fast label-free multilayered histology-like imaging of human breast cancer by photoacoustic microscopy

TTW Wong, R Zhang, P Hai, C Zhang, MA Pleitez… - Science …, 2017 - science.org
The goal of breast-conserving surgery is to completely remove all of the cancer. Currently,
no intraoperative tools can microscopically analyze the entire lumpectomy specimen, which …

Mid-infrared multispectral tissue imaging using a chalcogenide fiber supercontinuum source

CR Petersen, N Prtljaga, M Farries, J Ward, B Napier… - Optics letters, 2018 - opg.optica.org
We present, to the best of our knowledge, the first demonstration of mid-infrared
supercontinuum (SC) tissue imaging at wavelengths beyond 5 μm using a fiber-coupled SC …

Stiffness-controlled three-dimensional extracellular matrices for high-resolution imaging of cell behavior

RS Fischer, KA Myers, ML Gardel, CM Waterman - Nature protocols, 2012 - nature.com
Regulation of cell functions by the physical properties of the extracellular matrix (ECM) has
emerged as a crucial contributor to development and disease. Two specific physical …

Development of deep subsurface Raman spectroscopy for medical diagnosis and disease monitoring

P Matousek, N Stone - Chemical Society Reviews, 2016 - pubs.rsc.org
The recently developed array of Raman spectroscopy techniques for deep subsurface
analysis of biological tissues unlocks new prospects for medical diagnosis and monitoring of …

Multiple pathways for pathological calcification in the human body

N Vidavsky, JAMR Kunitake… - Advanced healthcare …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Biomineralization of skeletal components (eg, bone and teeth) is generally accepted to
occur under strict cellular regulation, leading to mineral–organic composites with …

Characterization and some physicochemical aspects of pathological microcalcifications

D Bazin, M Daudon, C Combes, C Rey - Chemical Reviews, 2012 - ACS Publications
Several major diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular abnormalities, may be linked to
pathological deposition of minerals or organic compounds in various tissues. 1− 3 Thus, the …

Microcalcifications in breast cancer: novel insights into the molecular mechanism and functional consequence of mammary mineralisation

RF Cox, A Hernandez-Santana, S Ramdass… - British journal of …, 2012 - nature.com
Background: Mammographic microcalcifications represent one of the most reliable features
of nonpalpable breast cancer yet remain largely unexplored and poorly understood …

Recent advances in the development of Raman spectroscopy for deep non‐invasive medical diagnosis

P Matousek, N Stone - Journal of biophotonics, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Raman spectroscopy has recently undergone major advances in the area of deep non‐
invasive characterisation of biological tissues. The progress stems from the development of …