A review on enhancing energy efficiency and adaptability through system integration for smart buildings
The increasing need for reducing carbon emissions and promoting smart, energy-saving
buildings is fueling the rising trend of sophisticated control systems. This study provides …
buildings is fueling the rising trend of sophisticated control systems. This study provides …
[HTML][HTML] Model-free HVAC control in buildings: A review
The efficient control of HVAC devices in building structures is mandatory for achieving
energy savings and comfort. To balance these objectives efficiently, it is essential to …
energy savings and comfort. To balance these objectives efficiently, it is essential to …
Forecasting building energy demand and on-site power generation for residential buildings using long and short-term memory method with transfer learning
This study evaluates the effectiveness of the long and short-term (LSTM) implementation
with a particular emphasis on assessing the impact of transfer learning techniques in …
with a particular emphasis on assessing the impact of transfer learning techniques in …
[HTML][HTML] Deep learning artificial intelligence framework for sustainable desiccant air conditioning system: Optimization towards reduction in water footprints
Desiccant evaporative cooling systems pave the path towards energy and environmental
sustainability in buildings especially; however, the direct evaporative coolers in such …
sustainability in buildings especially; however, the direct evaporative coolers in such …
Prospects and challenges of reinforcement learning-based HVAC control
Increasing worldwide energy demand and the resulting escalations in greenhouse gas
emissions require a reassessment of energy usage in many sectors. The building industry …
emissions require a reassessment of energy usage in many sectors. The building industry …
[HTML][HTML] Field test of machine-learning based mean radiant temperature estimation methods for thermal comfort-integrated air-conditioning control improvement and …
Advanced control strategies for heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems
aim to enhance both buildings' energy efficiency and occupant thermal comfort. Despite their …
aim to enhance both buildings' energy efficiency and occupant thermal comfort. Despite their …
Particle Swarm Optimization for multi-chiller system: Capacity configuration and load distribution
Abstract This study applies Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to enhance the energy
efficiency of a multi-chiller system in a large office building, with a focus on optimizing …
efficiency of a multi-chiller system in a large office building, with a focus on optimizing …
Hygrothermal modeling in mass timber constructions: recent advances and machine learning prospects
This review paper provides a comprehensive overview of hygrothermal modeling with a
focus on its application in mass timber construction, a sustainable and innovative …
focus on its application in mass timber construction, a sustainable and innovative …
A Critical Review and Future Prospects of Control-Oriented HVAC Modeling Strategies in Electric Vehicles
Electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a promising solution in the transportation industry,
but their adoption is hindered by range anxiety due to uncertainty in driving range …
but their adoption is hindered by range anxiety due to uncertainty in driving range …
Development and calibration of apartment building energy model based on architectural and energy consumption characteristics
Building energy modeling is pivotal in achieving sustainable energy goals throughout a
building's design and operation. However, discrepancies often arise between actual energy …
building's design and operation. However, discrepancies often arise between actual energy …