Sparsep: Towards efficient sparse matrix vector multiplication on real processing-in-memory architectures
Several manufacturers have already started to commercialize near-bank Processing-In-
Memory (PIM) architectures, after decades of research efforts. Near-bank PIM architectures …
Memory (PIM) architectures, after decades of research efforts. Near-bank PIM architectures …
A systematic literature survey of sparse matrix-vector multiplication
Sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SpMV) is a crucial computing kernel with widespread
applications in iterative algorithms. Over the past decades, research on SpMV optimization …
applications in iterative algorithms. Over the past decades, research on SpMV optimization …
Smash: Co-designing software compression and hardware-accelerated indexing for efficient sparse matrix operations
Important workloads, such as machine learning and graph analytics applications, heavily
involve sparse linear algebra operations. These operations use sparse matrix compression …
involve sparse linear algebra operations. These operations use sparse matrix compression …
Bridging the gap between deep learning and sparse matrix format selection
This work presents a systematic exploration on the promise and special challenges of deep
learning for sparse matrix format selection---a problem of determining the best storage …
learning for sparse matrix format selection---a problem of determining the best storage …
Smaller and faster: Parallel processing of compressed graphs with Ligra+
We study compression techniques for parallel in-memory graph algorithms, and show that
we can achieve reduced space usage while obtaining competitive or improved performance …
we can achieve reduced space usage while obtaining competitive or improved performance …
Tilespmv: A tiled algorithm for sparse matrix-vector multiplication on gpus
With the extensive use of GPUs in modern supercomputers, accelerating sparse matrix-
vector multiplication (SpMV) on GPUs received much attention in the last couple of decades …
vector multiplication (SpMV) on GPUs received much attention in the last couple of decades …
yaSpMV: Yet another SpMV framework on GPUs
SpMV is a key linear algebra algorithm and has been widely used in many important
application domains. As a result, numerous attempts have been made to optimize SpMV on …
application domains. As a result, numerous attempts have been made to optimize SpMV on …
Evaluation criteria for sparse matrix storage formats
When authors present new storage formats for sparse matrices, they usually focus mainly on
a single evaluation criterion, which is the performance of sparse matrix-vector multiplication …
a single evaluation criterion, which is the performance of sparse matrix-vector multiplication …
Caspmv: A customized and accelerative spmv framework for the sunway taihulight
The Sunway TaihuLight, equipped with 10 million cores, is currently the world's third fastest
supercomputer. SpMV is one of core algorithms in many high-performance computing …
supercomputer. SpMV is one of core algorithms in many high-performance computing …
SMAT: An input adaptive auto-tuner for sparse matrix-vector multiplication
Sparse Matrix Vector multiplication (SpMV) is an important kernel in both traditional high
performance computing and emerging data-intensive applications. By far, SpMV libraries …
performance computing and emerging data-intensive applications. By far, SpMV libraries …