The sponge holobiont in a changing ocean: from microbes to ecosystems
The recognition that all macroorganisms live in symbiotic association with microbial
communities has opened up a new field in biology. Animals, plants, and algae are now …
communities has opened up a new field in biology. Animals, plants, and algae are now …
Global patterns in symbiont selection and transmission strategies in sponges
Sponges host dense and diverse communities of microbes (known as the microbiome)
beneficial for the host nutrition and defense. Symbionts in turn receive shelter and …
beneficial for the host nutrition and defense. Symbionts in turn receive shelter and …
Terpene biosynthesis in marine sponge animals
Sea sponges are the largest marine source of small-molecule natural products described to
date. Sponge-derived molecules, such as the chemotherapeutic eribulin, the calcium …
date. Sponge-derived molecules, such as the chemotherapeutic eribulin, the calcium …
Microbiome diversity and host immune functions influence survivorship of sponge holobionts under future ocean conditions
The sponge-associated microbial community contributes to the overall health and adaptive
capacity of the sponge holobiont. This community is regulated by the environment and the …
capacity of the sponge holobiont. This community is regulated by the environment and the …
Integrated metabolism in sponge–microbe symbiosis revealed by genome-centered metatranscriptomics
Despite an increased understanding of functions in sponge microbiomes, the interactions
among the symbionts and between symbionts and host are not well characterized. Here we …
among the symbionts and between symbionts and host are not well characterized. Here we …
Fueled by methane: deep-sea sponges from asphalt seeps gain their nutrition from methane-oxidizing symbionts
Sponges host a remarkable diversity of microbial symbionts, however, the benefit their
microbes provide is rarely understood. Here, we describe two new sponge species from …
microbes provide is rarely understood. Here, we describe two new sponge species from …
An enrichment of CRISPR and other defense-related features in marine sponge-associated microbial metagenomes
Many marine sponges are populated by dense and taxonomically diverse microbial
consortia. We employed a metagenomics approach to unravel the differences in the …
consortia. We employed a metagenomics approach to unravel the differences in the …
Expression of eukaryotic‐like protein in the microbiome of sponges
Eukaryotic‐like proteins (ELP s) are classes of proteins that are found in prokaryotes, but
have a likely evolutionary origin in eukaryotes. ELP s have been postulated to mediate host …
have a likely evolutionary origin in eukaryotes. ELP s have been postulated to mediate host …
Emerging sponge models of animal-microbe symbioses
Sponges have a significant impact on marine benthic communities, they are of
biotechnological interest owing to their production of bioactive natural compounds, and they …
biotechnological interest owing to their production of bioactive natural compounds, and they …
Polymorphic adaptations in metazoans to establish and maintain photosymbioses
Mutualistic symbioses are common throughout the animal kingdom. Rather unusual is a
form of symbiosis, photosymbiosis, where animals are symbiotic with photoautotrophic …
form of symbiosis, photosymbiosis, where animals are symbiotic with photoautotrophic …