Deconstructing plate tectonic reconstructions

M Seton, SE Williams, M Domeier, AS Collins… - Nature Reviews Earth & …, 2023 -
The evolving mosaic of tectonic plates across the surface of the Earth sets boundary
conditions for the evolution of biotic and abiotic processes and helps shape the dynamics of …

Dy/Dy*: variations arising from mantle sources and petrogenetic processes

J Davidson, S Turner, T Plank - Journal of Petrology, 2013 -
Dy/Dy* is the measured value of Dy, a representative middle rare earth element (REE),
compared with the value interpolated between La and Yb on a REE plot. It is essentially a …

Petrogenesis of Middle–Late Triassic volcanic rocks from the Gangdese belt, southern Lhasa terrane: Implications for early subduction of Neo-Tethyan oceanic …

C Wang, L Ding, LY Zhang, P Kapp, A Pullen, YH Yue - Lithos, 2016 - Elsevier
The Gangdese belt is dominantly composed of igneous rocks that formed during the
northward subduction of Neo-Tethyan oceanic lithosphere beneath the Lhasa terrane and …

Dating the India–Eurasia collision through arc magmatic records

P Bouilhol, O Jagoutz, JM Hanchar… - Earth and Planetary …, 2013 - Elsevier
The Himalayan orogeny, a result of the collision of India and Eurasia, provides direct
evidence of strain accommodation and large-scale rheological behavior of the continental …

Early Jurassic subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Ocean in NE China: Petrologic and geochemical evidence from the Tumen mafic intrusive complex

F Guo, H Li, W Fan, J Li, L Zhao, M Huang, W Xu - Lithos, 2015 - Elsevier
Abstract Subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Oceanic Plate is widely considered to have caused
extensive Mesozoic magmatism, lithospheric deformation and mineralization in East Asia …

A slab detachment and delamination model for the generation of Carboniferous high-potassium I-type magmatism in the Eastern Pontides, NE Turkey: The Köse …

A Dokuz - Gondwana Research, 2011 - Elsevier
The Hercynian Köse composite pluton (KCP) is located in the Eastern Pontides, Turkey, and
consists of two units of high-K calc-alkaline, primarily peraluminous granites:(i) the internal …

Kawah Ijen volcanic activity: a review

C Caudron, DK Syahbana, T Lecocq… - Bulletin of …, 2015 - Springer
Kawah Ijen is a composite volcano located at the easternmost part of Java island in
Indonesia and hosts the largest natural acidic lake in the world. We have gathered all …

Magmatic origin of giant 'Kiruna-type'apatite-iron-oxide ores in Central Sweden

E Jonsson, VR Troll, K Högdahl, C Harris, F Weis… - Scientific reports, 2013 -
Iron is the most important metal for modern industry and Sweden is by far the largest iron-
producer in Europe, yet the genesis of Sweden's main iron-source, the 'Kiruna-type'apatite …

Roles of subducted pelagic and terrigenous sediments in Early Jurassic mafic magmatism in NE China: Constraints on the architecture of Paleo‐Pacific subduction …

L Zhao, F Guo, W Fan, M Huang - Journal of Geophysical …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
The role of subducted sediments in arc magmatism has been widely documented. However,
identifying the sedimentary provenance (eg, pelagic vs. terrigenous) input in subduction …

Variable sediment flux in generation of Permian subduction-related mafic intrusions from the Yanbian region, NE China

F Guo, H Li, W Fan, J Li, L Zhao, M Huang - Lithos, 2016 - Elsevier
This paper presents petrology, mineralogy, zircon U–Pb ages, and whole-rock major, trace
element and Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic compositions of four Permian (273–253 Ma) subduction …