Multiobjective scheduling of energy-efficient stochastic hybrid open shop with brain storm optimization and simulation evaluation
Recently, energy conservation in manufacturing industry, particular in energy-intensive
industries, receives much attention in order to meet the environmental protection and …
industries, receives much attention in order to meet the environmental protection and …
A multi-objective migrating birds optimization algorithm based on game theory for dynamic flexible job shop scheduling problem
L Wei, J He, Z Guo, Z Hu - Expert Systems with Applications, 2023 - Elsevier
The occurrence of dynamic events such as machine breakdown during workshop production
can make the original scheduling scheme infeasible. Therefore, this paper establishes a …
can make the original scheduling scheme infeasible. Therefore, this paper establishes a …
Ant colony optimization with a new exploratory heuristic information approach for open shop scheduling problem
M Kurdi - Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022 - Elsevier
This work proposes a new metaheuristic algorithm (ACONEH) for open shop scheduling
problem (OSSP) with makespan minimization. The aim is to improve the exploration …
problem (OSSP) with makespan minimization. The aim is to improve the exploration …
Bi-objective modeling and optimization for stochastic two-stage open shop scheduling problems in the sharing economy
Y Fu, H Li, M Huang, H **ao - IEEE Transactions on …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Nowadays, many manufacturing and service industries prefer to share resources such as
facilities and workers to cooperatively perform tasks, which can efficiently improve resource …
facilities and workers to cooperatively perform tasks, which can efficiently improve resource …
Multiprocessor open shop problem: literature review and future directions
Multi-processor open shop (MPOS) is a combination of the classical open shop and parallel
shop environments. Although there exist wide application areas of this shop environment in …
shop environments. Although there exist wide application areas of this shop environment in …
An improved bat optimization algorithm to solve the tasks scheduling problem in open shop
The open shop scheduling problem involves a set of activities that should be run on a limited
set of machines. The purpose of scheduling open shops problem is to provide a timetable for …
set of machines. The purpose of scheduling open shops problem is to provide a timetable for …
Bi-objective dynamic multiprocessor open shop scheduling for maintenance and healthcare diagnostics
TF Abdelmaguid - Expert Systems with Applications, 2021 - Elsevier
This paper addresses a bi-objective dynamic multiprocessor open shop scheduling problem
in which the simultaneous objectives of minimizing both the mean weighted flow time and …
in which the simultaneous objectives of minimizing both the mean weighted flow time and …
A self-learning discrete salp swarm algorithm based on deep reinforcement learning for dynamic job shop scheduling problem
Y Gu, M Chen, L Wang - Applied Intelligence, 2023 - Springer
For the dynamic job shop scheduling problem (DJSP), an improved variant of salp swarm
algorithm (SSA) named self-learning discrete salp swarm algorithm (SLDSSA) is proposed …
algorithm (SSA) named self-learning discrete salp swarm algorithm (SLDSSA) is proposed …
A scatter search algorithm with a novel solution representation for flexible open shop scheduling: a multi-objective optimization
The flexible open shop scheduling problem is the combination of two classical open shop
and a parallel machine scheduling problems. Due to the computational complexity of solving …
and a parallel machine scheduling problems. Due to the computational complexity of solving …
A knowledge-driven scatter search algorithm for the distributed hybrid flow shop scheduling problem
Y Zuo, F Zhao, J Zhang - Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2025 - Elsevier
The disparity in means of production and costs across different regions has prompted
manufacturing companies to develop intelligent distributed production scheduling methods …
manufacturing companies to develop intelligent distributed production scheduling methods …