The metallurgy and processing science of metal additive manufacturing
Additive manufacturing (AM), widely known as 3D printing, is a method of manufacturing that
forms parts from powder, wire or sheets in a process that proceeds layer by layer. Many …
forms parts from powder, wire or sheets in a process that proceeds layer by layer. Many …
Overview of materials qualification needs for metal additive manufacturing
This overview highlights some of the key aspects regarding materials qualification needs
across the additive manufacturing (AM) spectrum. AM technology has experienced …
across the additive manufacturing (AM) spectrum. AM technology has experienced …
Alloy design for aircraft engines
TM Pollock - Nature materials, 2016 - nature.com
Metallic materials are fundamental to advanced aircraft engines. While perceived as mature,
emerging computational, experimental and processing innovations are expanding the scope …
emerging computational, experimental and processing innovations are expanding the scope …
The latest development of Sc-strengthened aluminum alloys by laser powder bed fusion
Laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) is one of the typical additive manufacturing techniques that
enables the fabrication of complex-shaped structures with great freedom of design. Due to …
enables the fabrication of complex-shaped structures with great freedom of design. Due to …
Additive manufacturing of nickel superalloys: opportunities for innovation and challenges related to qualification
Innovative designs for turbines can be achieved by advances in nickel-based superalloys
and manufacturing methods, including the adoption of additive manufacturing. In this regard …
and manufacturing methods, including the adoption of additive manufacturing. In this regard …
Tracing plastic deformation path and concurrent grain refinement during additive friction stir deposition
Owing to melting and solidification, serious issues arise in fusion-based metal additive
manufacturing, such as solidification porosity, columnar grains, and large grain sizes …
manufacturing, such as solidification porosity, columnar grains, and large grain sizes …
Accelerating process development for 3D printing of new metal alloys
Addressing the uncertainty and variability in the quality of 3D printed metals can further the
wide spread use of this technology. Process map** for new alloys is crucial for …
wide spread use of this technology. Process map** for new alloys is crucial for …
[HTML][HTML] Towards a high strength aluminium alloy development methodology for selective laser melting
Abstract Selective Laser Melting (SLM) has received tremendous attentions due to its high
degree of flexibility for the design and fabrication of geometrically complex parts. However …
degree of flexibility for the design and fabrication of geometrically complex parts. However …
3D printing in materials manufacturing industry: A realm of Industry 4.0
Additive manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D printing, is a new manufacturing trend
showing promising progress over time in the era of Industry 4.0. So far, various research has …
showing promising progress over time in the era of Industry 4.0. So far, various research has …
Part-scale thermal simulation of laser powder bed fusion using graph theory: Effect of thermal history on porosity, microstructure evolution, and recoater crash
Flaw formation in laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) is influenced by the spatiotemporal
temperature distribution–thermal history–of the part during the process. Therefore, to prevent …
temperature distribution–thermal history–of the part during the process. Therefore, to prevent …