[HTML][HTML] Atmospheric drivers of wind turbine blade leading edge erosion: Review and recommendations for future research
Leading edge erosion (LEE) of wind turbine blades causes decreased aerodynamic
performance leading to lower power production and revenue and increased operations and …
performance leading to lower power production and revenue and increased operations and …
[HTML][HTML] Precipitation monitoring using commercial microwave links: current status, challenges and prospectives
P Zhang, X Liu, K Pu - Remote Sensing, 2023 - mdpi.com
As rainfall exhibits high spatiotemporal variability, accurate and real-time rainfall monitoring
is vitally important in fields such as hydrometeorological research, agriculture and disaster …
is vitally important in fields such as hydrometeorological research, agriculture and disaster …
Improved Micro Rain Radar snow measurements using Doppler spectra post-processing
The Micro Rain Radar 2 (MRR) is a compact Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave
(FMCW) system that operates at 24 GHz. The MRR is a low-cost, portable radar system that …
(FMCW) system that operates at 24 GHz. The MRR is a low-cost, portable radar system that …
Experimental quantification of the sampling uncertainty associated with measurements from PARSIVEL disdrometers
J Jaffrain, A Berne - Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2011 - journals.ametsoc.org
The variability of the (rain) drop size distribution (DSD) in time and space is an intrinsic
property of rainfall, which is of primary importance for various environmental fields such as …
property of rainfall, which is of primary importance for various environmental fields such as …
Katabatic winds diminish precipitation contribution to the Antarctic ice mass balance
Snowfall in Antarctica is a key term of the ice sheet mass budget that influences the sea level
at global scale. Over the continental margins, persistent katabatic winds blow all year long …
at global scale. Over the continental margins, persistent katabatic winds blow all year long …
Microphysics of clouds and rain over the Western Ghat
In an attempt to unravel the interactions between cloud microphysics and dynamics that
make shallow clouds precipitate heavily in this region, some unique observations of rain and …
make shallow clouds precipitate heavily in this region, some unique observations of rain and …
Raindrop size distribution of different cloud types over the Western Ghats using simultaneous measurements from Micro-Rain Radar and disdrometer
Investigating the raindrop size distributions (DSDs) for different cloud types is essential for
the rain characterization and understanding different microphysical processes within the …
the rain characterization and understanding different microphysical processes within the …
The CHUVA project: How does convection vary across Brazil?
CHUVA, meaning “rain” in Portuguese, is the acronym for the Cloud Processes of the Main
Precipitation Systems in Brazil: A Contribution to Cloud-Resolving Modeling and to the …
Precipitation Systems in Brazil: A Contribution to Cloud-Resolving Modeling and to the …
How does the spaceborne radar blind zone affect derived surface snowfall statistics in polar regions?
Global statistics of snowfall are currently only available from the CloudSat satellite. But
CloudSat cannot provide observations of clouds and precipitation within the so‐called blind …
CloudSat cannot provide observations of clouds and precipitation within the so‐called blind …
From hydrometeor size distribution measurements to projections of wind turbine blade leading-edge erosion
F Letson, SC Pryor - Energies, 2023 - mdpi.com
Wind turbine blade leading-edge erosion (LEE) is a cause of increased operation and
maintenance costs and decreased annual energy production. Thus, detailed, site-specific …
maintenance costs and decreased annual energy production. Thus, detailed, site-specific …