[CARTE][B] Microtectonics
CW Passchier, RAJ Trouw - 2005 - books.google.com
Microtectonics deals with the interpretation of microstructures, small-scale deformation
structures in rocks that yield abundant information on the history and type of deformation and …
structures in rocks that yield abundant information on the history and type of deformation and …
13C–18O bonds in carbonate minerals: A new kind of paleothermometer
The abundance of the doubly substituted CO2 isotopologue, 13C18O16O, in CO2 produced
by phosphoric acid digestion of synthetic, inorganic calcite and natural, biogenic aragonite is …
by phosphoric acid digestion of synthetic, inorganic calcite and natural, biogenic aragonite is …
Physical and micro-structural characteristics of limestone after high temperature exposure
Temperature is a major factor affecting physical and mechanical rock properties. With
increasing temperature, a series of variations enlarge the internal defects within rocks …
increasing temperature, a series of variations enlarge the internal defects within rocks …
Neutron diffraction texture analysis
HR Wenk - Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 2006 - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
An intrinsic property of polycrystalline materials is the orientation distribution of crystallites. In
some cases this distribution is random, yet often there is preferred orientation of crystallites …
some cases this distribution is random, yet often there is preferred orientation of crystallites …
Evaluation of post-thermal shock effects in Carrara marble and Santa Caterina di Pittinuri limestone
This article describes the effect of thermal shock on the petrographic and petrophysical
properties of two Italian carbonate building stones: Carrara marble from the Apuan Alps in …
properties of two Italian carbonate building stones: Carrara marble from the Apuan Alps in …
Experimental research on the influence of loading rate on the mechanical properties of limestone in a high-temperature state
Q Meng, M Zhang, L Han, H Pu, Y Chen - Bulletin of Engineering Geology …, 2019 - Springer
Engineering problems associated with high-temperature rock, such as the deep disposal of
high-level radioactive nuclear waste, underground gasification and storage of coal …
high-level radioactive nuclear waste, underground gasification and storage of coal …
[HTML][HTML] Very high geothermal gradient during mantle exhumation recorded in mylonitic marbles and carbonate breccias from a Mesozoic Pyrenean palaeomargin …
Y Lagabrielle, C Clerc… - Comptes …, 2016 - comptes-rendus.academie-sciences …
Résumé Although they are famous among Earth scientists, the Lherz peridotites are
exposed within geological formations of the North Pyrenean Zone (NPZ) still lacking detailed …
exposed within geological formations of the North Pyrenean Zone (NPZ) still lacking detailed …
Thermo‐kinematic evolution of the A nnapurna‐D haulagiri H imalaya, central N epal: The C omposite O rogenic S ystem
The Himalayan orogen represents a “Composite Orogenic System” in which channel flow,
wedge extrusion, and thrust stacking operate in separate “Orogenic Domains” with distinct …
wedge extrusion, and thrust stacking operate in separate “Orogenic Domains” with distinct …
Subcritical crack growth and progressive failure in Carrara marble under wet and dry conditions
Our concept of progressive rock slope failures is on the one hand embedded in aggregated
subcritical crack growth mechanisms and on the other sensitive to environmental conditions …
subcritical crack growth mechanisms and on the other sensitive to environmental conditions …
Carrara marble: A nomination for 'global heritage stone resource'from Italy
P Primavori - Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 2015 - lyellcollection.org
Abstract Carrara Marble, from Italy, probably one of the most famous dimension stones in the
collective memory and in ordinary people, is here nominated as a suitable 'Global Heritage …
collective memory and in ordinary people, is here nominated as a suitable 'Global Heritage …