Evaluating LTL satisfiability solvers
V Schuppan, L Darmawan - … on Automated Technology for Verification and …, 2011 - Springer
We perform a comprehensive experimental evaluation of off-the-shelf solvers for satisfiability
of propositional LTL. We consider a wide range of solvers implementing three major classes …
of propositional LTL. We consider a wide range of solvers implementing three major classes …
Spartacus: A tableau prover for hybrid logic
Spartacus is a tableau prover for hybrid multimodal logic with global modalities and reflexive
and transitive relations. Spartacus is the first system to use pattern-based blocking for …
and transitive relations. Spartacus is the first system to use pattern-based blocking for …
Tableaux for realizability of safety specifications
We introduce a tableau decision method for deciding realizability of specifications
expressed in a safety fragment of LTL that includes bounded future temporal operators …
expressed in a safety fragment of LTL that includes bounded future temporal operators …
ExpTime tableaux for using sound global caching
R Goré, LA Nguyen - Journal of Automated Reasoning, 2013 - Springer
We present a simple E xp T ime (complexity-optimal) tableau decision procedure based on
and-or graphs with sound global caching for checking satisfiability of a concept wrt a TBox in …
and-or graphs with sound global caching for checking satisfiability of a concept wrt a TBox in …
A non-wellfounded, labelled proof system for propositional dynamic logic
We define an infinitary labelled sequent calculus for PDL, G3PDL^ ∞. A finitarily
representable cyclic system, G3PDL^ ω, is then given. We show that both are sound and …
representable cyclic system, G3PDL^ ω, is then given. We show that both are sound and …
Optimal and cut-free tableaux for propositional dynamic logic with converse
R Goré, F Widmann - … : 5th International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2010 …, 2010 - Springer
We give an optimal (exptime), sound and complete tableau-based algorithm for deciding
satisfiability for propositional dynamic logic with converse (CPDL) which does not require …
satisfiability for propositional dynamic logic with converse (CPDL) which does not require …
An experimental comparison of theorem provers for CTL
R Goré, J Thomson, F Widmann - … International Symposium on …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We compare implementations of five theorem provers for Computation Tree Logic (CTL)
based on tree-tableaux, graph-tableaux, binary decision diagrams, resolution and games …
based on tree-tableaux, graph-tableaux, binary decision diagrams, resolution and games …
A logic framework for reasoning with movement based on fuzzy qualitative representation
We present a logic approach to reason with moving objects under fuzzy qualitative
representation. This way, we can deal both with qualitative and quantitative information, and …
representation. This way, we can deal both with qualitative and quantitative information, and …
[PDF][PDF] Fragments & Frame Classes
J Rooduijn - 2024 - core.ac.uk
This thesis is about the proof theory of modal fixed point logics. In this introduction we shall
give an informal introduction to this topic. Moreover, we will describe the particular goals of …
give an informal introduction to this topic. Moreover, we will describe the particular goals of …
And-or tableaux for fixpoint logics with converse: LTL, CTL, PDL and CPDL
R Goré - International Joint Conference on Automated …, 2014 - Springer
Over the last forty years, computer scientists have invented or borrowed numerous logics for
reasoning about digital systems. Here, I would like to concentrate on three of them: Linear …
reasoning about digital systems. Here, I would like to concentrate on three of them: Linear …