Predictability effects in auditory scene analysis: a review
A Bendixen - Frontiers in neuroscience, 2014 -
Many sound sources emit signals in a predictable manner. The idea that predictability can
be exploited to support the segregation of one source's signal emissions from the …
be exploited to support the segregation of one source's signal emissions from the …
Computational models of auditory scene analysis: a review
Auditory scene analysis (ASA) refers to the process (es) of parsing the complex acoustic
input into auditory perceptual objects representing either physical sources or temporal …
input into auditory perceptual objects representing either physical sources or temporal …
The role of auditory source and action representations in segmenting experience into events
I Winkler, SL Denham - Nature Reviews Psychology, 2024 -
Sounds are generated by interactions between objects in the world and carry information
about the sound's sources and the objects' sound-generating actions. This dual nature of …
about the sound's sources and the objects' sound-generating actions. This dual nature of …
[HTML][HTML] Temporal processing in audition: insights from music
Music is a curious example of a temporally patterned acoustic stimulus, and a compelling
pan-cultural phenomenon. This review strives to bring some insights from decades of music …
pan-cultural phenomenon. This review strives to bring some insights from decades of music …
Auditory perceptual organization
S Denham, I Winkler - Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience, 2022 - Springer
Introduction Traveling pressure waves (ie, sounds) are produced by the movements or
actions of objects. So sounds primarily convey information about what is happening in the …
actions of objects. So sounds primarily convey information about what is happening in the …
Auditory cortical representation of music favours the perceived beat
Previous research has shown that musical beat perception is a surprisingly complex
phenomenon involving widespread neural coordination across higher-order sensory, motor …
phenomenon involving widespread neural coordination across higher-order sensory, motor …
[HTML][HTML] Speaking rhythmically improves speech recognition under “cocktail-party” conditions
This study examines whether speech rhythm affects speech recognition under “cocktail-
party” conditions. Against a two-talker masker, but not a speech-spectrum noise masker …
party” conditions. Against a two-talker masker, but not a speech-spectrum noise masker …
The effect of rhythm on selective listening in multiple-source environments for young and older adults
Understanding continuous speech with competing background sounds is challenging,
particularly for older adults. One stimulus property that may aid listeners understanding of to …
particularly for older adults. One stimulus property that may aid listeners understanding of to …
Rhythm facilitates the detection of repeating sound patterns
This study investigates the influence of temporal regularity on human listeners' ability to
detect a repeating noise pattern embedded in statistically identical non-repeating noise …
detect a repeating noise pattern embedded in statistically identical non-repeating noise …
The role of syntax in maintaining the integrity of streams of speech
This study examined the ability of listeners to utilize syntactic structure to extract a target
stream of speech from among competing sounds. Target talkers were identified by voice or …
stream of speech from among competing sounds. Target talkers were identified by voice or …